The Night Ravens Guide

By Blake Murphy

Death is no man, death is no wraith, death is a bird flying. That is what we were told as we grew up stay away from the sky it is no longer your friend.

I’m not sure who will read this, if I survive, I hope I can look back at this, as a reminder of what I’ve been through. But I’m writing this as a warning and as a guide to whoever finds this, I am a nomad, someone who hides at night and creeps in the day and if you find this book, I take it you are too if not you are now. These creatures are nocturnal, they hunt and prowl at night, you’re safer during the day but that doesn’t mean being careless they are always there.

You need water and food and to find a reliable source of it, a river or stream is ideal, but wells and water towers may still have something inside. You should boil the water though drinking from the source is an unnecessary risk. Learning if there are any edible plants in the area, eating what you need and planting the rest, a sustainable farm is better than eating more than you need.

Whilst you may think working by yourself is the best way to survive it isn’t, you explore less ground and if it comes to it more people are better than 1. These birds, we’ve started to call them Night Ravens, they are unlike anything we’ve seen before. 4 and a half feet tall, they possess an intelligence that surpasses any other animal except maybe us humans. Their speed and agility are unmatched, their jet-black feathers blend seamlessly with the darkness, making them difficult to spot until it's too late. They have razor-sharp beaks and talons that can tear through flesh and crush bone with ease.

To survive encounters with Night Ravens, you must be constantly vigilant. Stay with your group, they are slightly less likely to attack a larger number of people worst case scenario you are less likely to get killed if you all run. Keep your eyes and ears open for any signs of their presence, such as rustling in the trees or their distinct cawing. When you hear their cries, flapping or hear talons crunch into the ground, immediately hide, and keep your breathing calm, remain silent until they pass.

If you do find yourself face to face with a Night Raven, your best chance of survival is to stay calm and make yourself as small a target as possible. If you have anything blunt their bones are hollow and break easily or if you have a spear or bow aim for the eyes or neck. It's crucial to remember that these birds are highly intelligent and can quickly adapt to new tactics, change what you use where you are and how you escape, if you kill all but one in a nest you will find that your tactics will not work anymore.

When it comes to shelter, find places that offer both concealment and protection. Abandoned buildings, caves, or thick forests can provide temporary shelter. Fortify your chosen shelter as best you can, reinforcing doors and windows, keep exits in mind, and setting up traps or alarms to alert you to any approaching danger. Again, remember when they find you, you’ll have to relocate.

As a nomad, you will constantly be on the move. Traveling during the day is safer, but don't let your guard down. Stay away from open fields or exposed areas where the Night Ravens can easily spot you. Stick to the shadows, use cover whenever possible, and avoid traveling alone whenever you can.

Remember, survival is not just about physical strength; it also requires mental resilience. Loneliness, fear, and despair can be just as deadly as the Night Ravens themselves. Find solace in the companionship of your fellow nomads, share stories, and support one another in this treacherous journey.

If you wish, keep a journal like this one, writing about your experiences and knowledge. Pass it on to the next person and tell them to do the same. All together, we can adapt, learn, and fight back against the flying death that has plagued our world.

To whoever finds this journal, heed its warnings and guidance. Arm yourself with knowledge and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. Trust in your instincts and may the wings of fortune guide you through this darkened world.

Remember these words, death is no man, death is no wraith, death is a bird flying.

Good luck out there nomad.