Randy and Mel

By Lillian Davis

“I’m gonna swing from the chandelier” said Randy, as we walked into the abandoned mansion, hoping to find food or water somewhere in there, 

“For the last time, Randy we just survived the apocalypse, you are not swinging from the chandelier” I said, Randy has been my best friend for 10 years, since we were 4, so I’ve known him a while and I’ve gotten to know his crazy antics. Randy and I are the last survivors of the apocalypse, at 14, we are the only people left on earth. Trying to live after an apocalypse is hard enough, let alone being two 14 year olds living with only the things we can find around us. 

“Mel, what are you doing?” Randy asks, as I look in the cupboards around the front area of the house, the board game cupboards and stuff like that, 

“I don’t know Randy, we don’t actually know where to look for food and drinks, who knows where people have hidden them before the apocalypse” I said as Randy looked at me with a sad look on his face, he knows I’m right, but he doesn’t want to admit it, 

“Ok Mel, I’ll check what’s left of the kitchen” he said, as he walked into another destroyed room. 

I love him, as a friend of course, but he really annoys me sometimes. We continued to look, and eventually found some canned spaghetti and pizza shapes but that was all we could find there, so we left to go find somewhere else to look. We eventually found a small milk bar that looked like it had some food in it, so we went there, and we found chocolates and water, as well as different energy drinks and chips, the milk bar was well protected and so there was a lot of still good food in it. We decided then, that milk bars were probably the best place to go to get food. 

“Mel, I’m tired can we find somewhere to sleep please?” asked Randy, I thought about it for a minute and then I decided, 

“Randy, lets go back to the mansion, to get some warm blankets and then go back to the milk bar because that was pretty safe” I said, Randy rolled his eyes, he didn’t want to do all that walking I could see it just in the way he rolled his eyes, 

“But Mel, I don’t want to do that walking I’m tired and that is too much walking” he said, 

“Randy, we have to, we can’t survive in these conditions without warm blankets and good sleep” I said, he knows I’m right, but doesn’t want to listen, 

“Ok fine, we’ll go to the mansion to get supplies then we go to the milk bar, but the milk bar is where we go to sleep, we stop at the milk bar” he said, I gave up and agreed with him, I knew I wasn’t getting anywhere by arguing with him. 

We went back to the mansion to get supplies and then we went to the milk bar. We then set up the places for us to sleep, with blankets and pillows from the mansion. We slept until sunrise and then we got up and watched the sunrise. The sunrise was beautiful, that was the first time we’d seen the sunrise since who knows when, because the nuclear bomb that caused the apocalypse caused a lot of smoke and fog, we don’t even know how we survived it, but there’s no one here who could tell us why, so we’ll just try to survive for as long as we can. Together we can save the world if we try, but there’s no one here to populate the world with us, we don’t know, so we’ll just try our best to live and see if anyone else survived.