Grade Five Blog

Welcome to Grade Five!

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Grade 5! We are very excited for 2025.

The beginning of our child's Senior School journey begins and it is one of fun, excitement and lots of opportunities. With these opportunities, it is important for your child to continue to develop their organisational skills. As they participate in other extra-curricular components, it is vital they check in with teachers, catch up on work where applicable and ensure they are keeping on top of homework and other commitments.

Some information to begin our year: 

We are looking forward to a fantastic year together!

Kind regards,

Grade 5 Team

Mr Kaspar Sussman, Miss Stephanie Quang, Mr Jeremy Nelson, Mrs Deb Cross



Specialist Timetables

5N Specialist timetable.pdf
5Q Specialist timetable.pdf
5C Specialist timetable.pdf
5S Specialist timetable.pdf

Homework - Week 4

Welcome to the Grade Five Homework Hub. Each week you will find your set activities to be completed at home or during school hours at Homework Help during Wednesday lunch time. Some elements may need to be completed online eg. Matific, while other activities might need to be printed and pasted into your Homework Book. 

Key things to remember: 

T1W4 Homework.pdf

Previous Homework

T1W3 Homework.pdf
Finding Adjectives.pdf