Grade Five Blog

Welcome to Grade Five!

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Grade 5! We are very excited for 2024.

The beginning of our child's Senior School journey begins and it is one of fun, excitement and lots of opportunities. With these opportunities, it is important for your child to continue to develop their organisational skills. As they participate in other extra-curricular components, it is vital they check in with teachers, catch up on work where applicable and ensure they are keeping on top of homework and other commitments.

Some information to begin our year: 

We are looking forward to a fantastic year together!

Kind regards,

Grade 5 Team

Mr Kaspar Sussman, Miss Stephanie Quang, Mr Jeremy Nelson, Mrs Jennie Glembin


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Week 10

Due Tuesday 25th June - Card

Thursday 27th June - Spelling

Week 10 Homework

Welcome to your Week 10 Homework.

Our AR reading challenge continues for Term 2.  Make sure you have selected a book in your reading range and are reading for at least 20 minutes a night.  Don't forget to show your teachers and parents your results on each quiz. We want to keep our 100% Club up-to-date!

Don't forget the Premiers' Reading Challenge.  You have your log in details. so any book you complete a quiz on for AR can also be logged onto the PRC website.

Your spelling activity for the week is listed under the word lists.  Use the same colour group as you did in Week One. Make sure that you are using your 5 star book work and taking 'Pride in your Performance.'  Don't forget there will be a spelling test next Thursday.

Create a Card wishing the Grade 6's Good Luck for the Musical.  The due date for this activity is Tuesday.  The Day of the Opening Night of the Musical.  The details for the card are listed below.

Happy homeworking!

The Year 5 Teachers

Good Luck Card.pdf
Homework - Week 10.docx

Previous Homework

Homework - Week 9.docx
Word Search.pdf

Template for Spelling Word Search