Grade Five Blog
Welcome to Grade Five!
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Grade 5! We are very excited for 2025.
The beginning of our child's Senior School journey begins and it is one of fun, excitement and lots of opportunities. With these opportunities, it is important for your child to continue to develop their organisational skills. As they participate in other extra-curricular components, it is vital they check in with teachers, catch up on work where applicable and ensure they are keeping on top of homework and other commitments.
Some information to begin our year:
The Grade Five Blog is used to highlight upcoming events and celebrate student achievements. It is also updated with homework and spelling.
Beginning Week 3, homework is uploaded every Thursday and needs to be completed by the following Thursday. The expectation is that students print and complete their homework at home; however, they have the option to do additional work at Homework Help Club during Wednesday lunch time.
Homework Help is designed to be a space for students to opt in and obtain some support with homework if required. It is also an opportunity for students to begin to develop some good study habits. If they know they have a busy week at home with other after school commitments, they can dedicate some of their lunch time to completing homework.
Students use their school diary daily to monitor reading and to write important dates. It is expected students will have a parent sign their diary weekly.
Please check XUNO on a regular basis to give permission, pay for excursions and check extra-curricular activities that are offered throughout the year.
We request that parents use XUNO and written notes to communicate with teachers or telephone the school directly. We will either respond as soon as we can by XUNO, phone or a written note in your child’s diary
Students are to wear the sports uniform on Friday for 5/6 Sport. If your child has P.E. they may wear their runners on that day also.
We are looking forward to a fantastic year together!
Kind regards,
Grade 5 Team
Mr Kaspar Sussman, Miss Stephanie Quang, Mr Jeremy Nelson, Mrs Deb Cross
Specialist Timetables

Homework - Week 4
Welcome to the Grade Five Homework Hub. Each week you will find your set activities to be completed at home or during school hours at Homework Help during Wednesday lunch time. Some elements may need to be completed online eg. Matific, while other activities might need to be printed and pasted into your Homework Book.
Key things to remember:
Homework is always due on a Thursday
5 Star Bookwork is important, so include a title and margin in RED PEN
All elements must be completed, which includes your diary activities and reading log
As you are approaching Secondary School, it is crucial you plan your week around extra-curricular commitments
Don't forget, your teacher is always there to support you if you're unsure of homework requirements.

Previous Homework