Onion Tears

Onion Tears

Meet some of the staff from DCC as we share our love of literacy with you by reading the text Onion Tears; The story of a Vietnamese girl who tries to come to terms with her grief over the loss of her family and her new life with the Australian family with whom she lives. In year 7, you will be reading and analysing texts with your peers in literature circles. We hope you enjoy the book.


Jess, Assistant Principal

Hi All. My name is Jess and I use the pronouns she/her. I am an Assistant Principal at DCC, and this year am working with our wonderful senior students in grades 5-7. It has been a pleasure guiding our students to find their way and place in our secondary school, and watch as they lead the way in their actions and words. The value that hits home for me is Integrity. You'll often hear me saying that our senior students set the tone. I look forward to seeing you all lead with integrity, doing the right thing, even when no one is looking, and in doing so, setting the culture and tone of our school.


Anne-Marie, Leading Teacher

Hello my name is Anne-Marie, I am one of the leading teachers at DCC. I worked with the years 5-7s this year and I am so excited to welcome our new year 7 students to DCC. The DCC school value that most resonates with me is "teamwork" because I believe that everyone brings their personal strengths to a team and we are better together than as individuals.

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Tami-Jo, Principal

Hi, my name is Tami-Jo or TJ and I am the Principal of DCC. I am so excited to welcome the new Year 7 students to our school for 2023. One value that is important to me is respect. Having respect for ourselves, each other, our school and the community around us is so important. We are inclusive here at DCC and in order to do that well, we need to be respectful and wrap around each other always so we can all be true to ourselves whilst looking out for one another. This way we can be safe and know we are cared for by others. That is an amazing feeling and if we feel that, we have some really good conditions in order to be able to learn well. I am really looking forward to meeting you all.


Rhiannon, Learning Specialists

Hi everyone! My name is Rhiannon, I'm one of the Learning Specialists at DCC and I've been working with the Year 3/4s in 2022. I'm looking forward to seeing new and current students join our growing secondary cohort, as well as seeing what exciting knowledge and ideas you'll bring to our school community. The school value that resonates the most with me is "Respect". At DCC we strive to make this a place where everyone is repsected and our differences are celebrated and accepted. A place where everyone feels respected is place where we can all strive for excellence and support each other to grow and achieve.


Charlotte, Secondary classroom teacher

Hellooo, I'm Charlotte, part of Team-High-School! Over 2022, it's been an absolute pleasure to watch current our year-7's grow from nervous tweenagers into full blown kind, adaptable and thoughtful young adults. I have a sneaky feeling 2023 will be even better. When thinking about our school values, I'm reminded of a quote from my Grandfather who said, "Kindess is the glue that holds our fractured nation together". I love the way we promote kindness at DCC and when we constantly care for people, we grow respect for ourselves, other people which leads to a happy, fun and effective learning environment.


Brianna, Assistant Principal


My name is Brianna. I am one of the Assistant Principals at the school. I am lucky enough to work with so many wonderful students, parents and staff throughout the school.

The DCC value that I use to set my mindset everyday is KINDNESS. I think if we have a lens of kindness in all our interactions with people and situations, only wonderful outcomes and can from it.

I can't wait to meet you all!!!


Ash, Learning Specialists

Hi everyone! My name is Ash, I'm one of the Learning Specialists at DCC. I have been working with our P-2 students this year. I'm very excited to see our senior school grow and welcoming some new faces to DCC. The value that resonates with me most is kindness. The act of simply being kind to another person, for no reason at all, can brighten someones day. I am looking forward to meeting you all next year.


Wendy, Secondary Mandarin Teacher

Hi my name is Wendy Wu. I am a Mandarin teacher at DCC. I have been working with year 7 this year. I cannot wait to welcome our new Year 7 students and to support their journey of learning and growing at our DCC family. The DCC school value that most resonates with me is “teamwork”. “No man is an island”. Aware or not, we influence and are influenced by our environment each day. We thrive when we open our minds to each other and connect with our communities.

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Jess, Leading Teacher

Hello 2023 Year 7's! My name is Jess McCourt and I am a leading teacher at DCC, in 2022 I worked with the P-2 cohorts. I can't wait to see our senior school expand over the next few years. DCC is a special place! It is welcoming, supportive, inclusive and one of a kind. Every member of our community really embodies our philosophy that it takes a village to raise a child. I think for me kindness is one of our school values that resonates with me the most. We never know what is going on for others and when we show kindness to each other we feel connected, valued and safe. There has been so many moments in my life where kindness has been shown to me and it has truly changed the way my day moved forward. I can’t wait to see you all and watch you shine next year!


Alison, Secondary Arts Teacher

Hi Everyone! My name is Alison and I am a performing arts/visual arts teacher at DCC. For those of you who already know me, you will know that I am absolutely passionate about the arts and creating opportunities for students to participate in a wide range of experiences. For those of you who I am yet to meet, I am looking forward to sharing my passion for the arts with you and for you to share your passions and talents with me. As a life long learner, the school value that resonates with me the most is "learning". I love how every new learning experience opens my eyes even wider to our wonderous world.


Nick, Learning Specialists

Hi Year 7s! I'm Nick and I'm one of the Learning Specialists at DCC. I have been working with Years 5-7 in 2022 so will have met many of you already, and look forward to meeting many more of you in 2023. My favourite subjects as a student were Science and Sport and these remain passions of mine to this day. The DCC value that resonates with me the most is learning - It's ultimately why I became a teacher. I see it as my duty to not only help others learn, but remain a lifelong learner myself. I view myself as an unfinished product, so I try to learn something new every day.

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Noah, Learning Specialists

Hello new Year 7 students. My name is Noah and I am one of the Learning Specialists at DCC. I think the school value that resonates with me the most is Integrity. An integral person has strong morals. Morals that dictate how they act and treat other people, resulting in someone who is honest, fair, understanding and acts with good intentions. As you develop and grow throughout this year, make sure to continually check in and ask yourself: What are my morals? How am I being the best person I can be every day? What is my effect and influence on others and is this supporting a better world?

I can't wait to meet all of you and work with you in 2023!

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Kyrstie, Leading Teacher

Hey 2023 Year 7s, my name is Kyrstie and i am currently lucky enough to be working with the 5 - 7s this year. The school value that resonates the most with me is 'Teamwork'. I love everything about working in a team, the skills and social opportunities to learn and teach each other are never ending.

I really look forward to meeting you all and seeing all of the amazing people you are going to continue to be throughout your journey at DCC!

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Nathan, Secondary classroom teacher

Hi new Year 7 students, my name is Nathan and i'm one of the current secondary school teachers here at Dohertys. My teaching is built around mutual respect and strong relationships. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with our current group of Year 7s and finding many common interests both in and out of the class. I have a particular interest in English; analysing texts to deepen upstanding and critiquing/ creating Writing from and academic lense. Out of the classroom, I like all things sport - Football, Basketball, Cricket. You name it. I look forward to working with all new and existing students in 2023.


Dom, Secondary classroom teacher

Hey my name is Dom and I am one of the secondary teachers at DCC for 2023. I have have had the pleasure of being one of the classroom teachers for our first Year 7 cohort in 2022. I am super excited for our secondary school to grow and cannot wait to get to know you all. The value of kindness resonates with me the most as you can never measure the impact a small act of kindness can have on someone's life. Kindness is infectious and we can all work together to create a better world.


Neville, Secondary PE teacher

Hello to the Year 7 students of 2023! My name is Neville Stephens and I am currently the Year 7 Physical Education teacher and will be in 2023 as well. I am really excited about our Year 7 Physical Education program and the opportunity to watch you grow into healthy and safe learners in our Dohertys Creek community. The school value that resonates the most with me is 'Teamwork'. At Dohertys Creek the value of 'Teamwork' allows us to work together, listen to each other, respect each other's ideas and to learn from each other as well. Teamwork makes the PE dream work!


Elysia, Leading Teacher

Hello future year 7 students! My name is Elysia and I use she/her pronouns. I'm a Leading Teacher at DCC and right now I'm thinking lots about our school value of 'Learning'. I believe in learning for life, because the best learning happens all the time; when we learn from our environment, our experiences and each other! I am looking forward to meeting you all next year.


Craig, Leading Teacher

Hey All. My name is Craig and I am one of the leading teachers at DCC. Like many of you, I am also new to Doherty’s Creek in 2023! I am very excited to be able to meet you all.

One value that stands out to me is Integrity. Nothing makes me prouder than a person standing up when it really matters, showing their character, morals and principles. It is these people that think critically and empathetically in tough situations, striving for what is right and what matters most to them. As you move into this exciting chapter in your education, consider how your actions depict you as a learner, a peer and a friend.