The Arts

Our school is committed to providing a vibrant and expressive Arts program for all students. Participation in the Arts stimulates students’ imagination, opens them to new possibilities and encourages creative problem-solving. The Arts fosters self-expression, confidence and creativity while improving overall academic performance.

The Arts program at Castlemaine North includes Visual and Performing Arts:

  • Weekly class Music lessons which develop children’s singing, playing, listening, moving and creating skills.

  • Weekly Art lessons which provide opportunities for students to creatively express themselves through a variety of media, with experiences in painting, drawing, threads and textiles, modelling, construction, printing and collage.

  • Circus program

  • Opportunity to play Indonesian gamelan and angklung instruments

  • Community performance opportunities

  • Instrumental tutor program – violin, cello, woodwind, clarinet, piano, guitar & drums

  • School concert – every second year (2021, 2023…)

  • Artist in Residence programs every second year (2022, 2024…)

Contact Details for Instrumental Music Tutors

Guitar and Drums – Scott Sanders –

Piano – Carl Pannuzzo –

Woodwind and Voice – Sarah McDonald –