Parents and Carers Association

The Castlemaine North Primary School Parents’ and Carers’ Association (P&CA) is an active group in the school community. In 2013 we became an incorporated association with the following aims:

  • To support Castlemaine North Primary School to achieve its objectives to enable CNPS students to be courageous, inquiring learners who strive to do their best in a caring environment.

  • To establish and foster links within the whole school community so that there are opportunities to discuss ideas or issues concerned with the welfare and the general education of students of CNPS.

  • To raise funds and conduct activities for the benefit of the school and the school community.

  • To provide social activities for parents and the school community so that parents can get to know each other and work together on school projects.

  • To support the school through a range of activities in conjunction with the school council, the principal and CNPS staff.

Become a member!

P & CA welcomes new members at any stage of the school year. We are always keen to hear new ideas and have more hands for the various activities we run during the school year. It’s a great way to meet other parents and learn more about the school.

To join P & CA:

download the P&C membership form and drop it into the Parents’ and Carers’ box (outside Sam’s office)

– or just come along to a meeting.

We’ll then include you on our mailing list.


Meetings are generally held after assemblies (Mondays – 9.30am) in the Staffroom. We aim to have a meeting each month. Dates are advertised in the Newsletter in the Sentral calendar for those who are able to attend. The meetings provide an informal opportunity to discuss issues of interest and make plans for forthcoming activities.

To find out about our latest news and updates, visit our Facebook page.