Wellbeing activities/


A week of wellbeing activities

Please see attached a Week of Wellbeing activities. Choose as many as you would like to complete. I hope they help you to improve your mood, realise how wonderful you are and spread your positivity to those around you.

KS2 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Monday.pdf
KS2 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Tuesday.pdf
KS2 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Wednesday.pdf
KS2 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Friday.pdf
KS2 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Thursday.pdf
KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Monday.pdf
KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Tuesday.pdf
KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Wednesday.pdf
KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Thursday.pdf
KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Friday.pdf


Your muscles have been working hard all day. Say "Thank you!" with a nice, long stretch.

When you stretch you are giving your muscles a mini-massage. Blood flows into them, making them toasty warm. Stretching also loosens up and relaxes too-tight muscle fibers. That makes the rest of you feel more relaxed too.

Neck Stretch

Gaze forward. Slowly bring your right ear to your right shoulder. Repeat on the other side.

Shoulder and Back Stretch

Kneel on the floor with the tops of your feet flat on the floor, the soles of your feet facing up. Sit on your heels. Gently bend forward at the waist and rest your torso between your thighs, lowering your forehead to the floor. Let your arms drown down in whatever position feels most comfortable for you - reaching forward, at your sides, or open wide. Hold this position, breathing in and out for three to five breaths.

Arm and Side Stretch

Standing comfortably, put your arms straight out in front. Lace your fingers together, palms towards you, and raise your arms above your head. Feel the stretch in your arms.

Now turn your palms up towards the ski and stretch again. With hands still joined, gently bend to the right from your wrist and hold the stretch. Straighten up, then bend gently to the left.

Arrange some flowers

Go for a walk in your garden or along your street and pick some flowers (make sure the gardener is okay with this first). When you get home see if you can arrange your flowers in a nice vase, you might like to be creative and use some native foliage such as gum leaves or gumnuts to make it look very "Billanook".

Copy of Christmas Presents.mp4

Practice Gratitude

There are many ways to practice gratitude.

Keep a gratitude journal. Write down one thing you can be grateful for every day. It will help you focus on good things that happen in your life. And if one day you are feeling low, you'll be able to reread your previous days' entries and remind yourself of all the good things you had forgotten.

This can be a nice activity to share at the dinner table. Ask every member of the family to share something they feel grateful for, collect these and then at the end of the week share the week's gratitude together.

Have a dance party

Get the better of the blah mood by getting your personal party started! Just blast your favourite tunes (maybe not next to someone working) and bust some soul-stirring moves. (Mirror ball optional).

Play a game

It can take two minutes (tic-tac-toe) or all day (Monopoly).

It can be something you play on your own (solitaire) or something you play with someone else (tag).

You can play a game with pencil and paper (hangman), a ball (horse), or a skipping rope.

You can play with a baby (peekaboo!) or even a pet (fetch!).

Whatever game you play, you'll win big at reducing stress.

Copy of Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often.mp4

write a thank you note to someone helping you during remote learning

There are lots of people helping you with your remote learning. Spend a little time thanking them, a lovely card or note can really make someone's day.

Wellbeing journal.pdf

Start a wellbeing journal

This Wellbeing Journal has some lovely, reflective activities that will boost your wellbeing. If you have a printer you can print the journal. If you don't have a printer there are plenty of great ideas that you can use and create your own journal on blank paper.


Wellbeing Assembly follow up activity

There are many things that we are all missing whilst in lock down. These things are real and our feelings are valid. It is a hard time.

When faced with hard situations we can find ourselves looking through a negative lens, missing things that have been taken away. My challenge to you is to try and look for the rainbow amongst the clouds. Whilst it is a tricky time, we have also heard many stories of lovely family activities, board games played with loved ones over Zoom and new found pen pals sharing cards and creative mementos that bring joy to our letter boxes.

We are forever connected to the ones we love with our Invisible String.

Copy of Grumpy Cloud Flipbook.mp4

Sketching my feelings

Some of us might be feeling great about Remote Learning, some may be feeling disappointed and some may be feeling a range of different emotions depending on the time of the day. THAT IS OKAY.

Your task this week is to try and sketch your feelings. This can be a great way of understanding them, validate them and even help to change them if they are not making you feel good.

Have a look at the flip book clip to the left and see if you can make a flip book that depicts how you are feeling at the moment.

Remember that your parents and teachers are always here to support you so if you need a wellbeing check in please ask a trusted adult.

Bucket Filling

We are excellent Bucket Fillers at Billanook. During this week see if you can find opportunities to fill the bucket of other people in your household. This may be a random act of kindness, a genuine compliment or an appreciation. Wouldn't it be a lovely challenge to see if you could try and do something to fill each member of your households bucket each day. Happy bucket filling!

Find the Kind

Much of the news we watch on TV or read in the paper is bad news. However, in reality there are lots of uplifting things happening all the time. See if you can turn an ordinary A4 piece of paper into the front page of a newspaper. Please remember that this special edition newspaper only celebrates positives. My newspaper front page for last week spoke of an amazing camping trip that two Warrandyte boys went on with their mum and dad! The adventure was pretty epic!

kindness begins at home

Kindness really does begin at home. Write down or draw 6 things that you could do to help the people you live with.

Copy of 80_songs_to_inspire_a_growth_mindset_Big_Life_Journal.pdf

80 songs to inspire growth mindset

Copy of THINK poster tribes.pdf

Think poster

Copy of -WordsCanHurtorHeal.pdf

Words can hurt or heal poster