Home Learning Information

Under each cohort's tab you will find lessons based on the term's learning foci. Each lesson will have a learning intention (an aim for the lesson), success criteria (what we are hoping the students achieve) and a short activity. These activities are modified examples of what we would be teaching in the classroom. Parents and Carers are welcome to adjust these lessons to suit their own personal circumstance. Lessons are usually sequenced to build on the lesson from the previous day.

Moving to remote learning provides an opportunity for our children to continue to access their learning and their curriculum. Please note that we do understand that remote learning also places significant stress on families. To help reduce pressure on our families, we ask is that you do the best that you can. If you’re having a bad day, drop the school work and go for a walk or a bike ride. Hopefully it is only for a few days and we are all back at school on Wednesday.

Your child's classroom teacher will be able to help with any questions or queries via Compass or email. Teacher’s classroom contact hours are between 9am – 3.30pm. Families are encouraged to contact their child's classroom teacher at any stage if they would like to organise a phone call or face to face Webex. Every class will have a scheduled whole class Webex meeting at 9.30am each day they are engaging in remote learning, as well as two small group work WebEx meetings facilitated by their classroom teacher with a literacy and numeracy focus.

As teachers will be utilising a range of online learning resources, including YouTube and other public platforms that are not bound by departmental privacy/safety guidelines. It is advised that all computer and internet use be supervised by parents.

Suggested Learning Timetable

The suggested learning timetable is an example only. Please feel free to adjust, change or scrap this example to fit with your personal family dynamic and needs.

9.00 - 9.45am - Reading

9.45 - 10.30am - Spelling and Writing

10.30 - 11.30am - Break Time

11.30 - 12.15pm - Maths

12.15 - 1.00pm - Specialist, Science, Humanities and Personal Projects

1.00 - 2.00pm - Lunch Break

2.00 - 3.30pm - Activity of child's choice

The Department of Education has set guidelines around the recommended times spent on each curriculum area. Although these guidelines are here, please modify to suit your family setting.

These are as follows;

Foundation - Level 2: Literacy activities for a total of 45-60 minutes, Numeracy activities totaling 30-45 minutes and additional learning areas (play based learning, humanities/science, specialist subjects) totaling 30-45 minutes.

Level 3 - 6: Literacy activities for a total of 45-60 minutes, Numeracy activities totaling 30-45 minutes, additional learning areas (play based learning, humanities/science, specialist subjects) totaling 90 minutes and Physical activities totaling 30 minutes.

Social Story - Coronavirus.pdf

Coronavirus story

Please feel free to read this story with your child/children at home and encourage discussions about the virus.

WebEx how to.mp4

how to access webex

Teachers will be using WebEx to video conference with students on a daily basis. This is a short video that explains how students can access WebEx and join the different meetings that are scheduled by teachers.

Eastern Regional Library

Website link - https://www.yourlibrary.com.au/

This website is a great resource for families to be able to access a variety of texts and child friendly research platforms.