Welcome to Music at BEPS

Students at BEPS participate in weekly lessons from Prep to Grade 6 and develop musical literacy & an appreciation of music through singing, playing, listening, responding, composing and improvising.  Music plays an important role in the school community and is valued and celebrated at all stages. 

There are numerous opportunities for students to participate in music alongside weekly music classes by being a part of choirs, bands and instrumental lessons.  Throughout the year students are encouraged to perform for their peers in class, at gatherings, Friday markets, the Twilight Market and other school events. We have a wonderful music room, filled with various instruments that the students take great ownership of. We also have a large instrumental program that offers lessons for guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, voice & ukulele. 

On this page, you'll find all things Music related.  Click on the links at the top to find out what has been happening in the different Learning Communities music sessions.