Guidelines for Parents

Work out a daily timetable with your child

Everybody's home life is different, and so we will not be scheduling specific lessons at specific times. However, routine is crucial for your child's learning and for their mental health. Sit with your child or children and work out a daily schedule that can be followed, so that they know what to expect each day and get into a routine with their learning.

We recommend around 3 hours dedicated time each day to their academic learning. We will provide resources to support this learning. Here is an example of what a routine might look like:

8am: Eat breakfast, get dressed, make bed

9am: Access Google Classroom for tasks and commence home learning (teachers online 9 - 3.30)

10am: Morning tea and physical activity (eg. walk the dog, ball skills, ride scooter)

11am: Quiet reading and continue learning tasks

12pm: Creative time (art work, music, drawing, Lego, etc)

1pm: Lunch

2pm: Continue learning tasks

Define the physical space for your child’s study

Your child may have a regular place for doing homework under normal circumstances, but this space may or may not be suitable for an extended period of time. We encourage families to establish a space or location where their children will learn most of the time. It should be a place that can be quiet at times and have a strong wireless internet signal, if possible. Above all, it should be a space where your child can work and concentrate effectively with no external distractions.

Your child will need access to a digital device in order to access the content from their Google Classroom. If you have no way of providing this, please contact the school in regards to borrowing a laptop . If there is no internet access at your home, please contact the school as soon as possible.

Providing assistance in your child's learning

As parents / carers, we are hoping you will support your child - working to keep them motivated, engaged and completing work. Ideally, parents or carers will be available to help explain concepts to their children and to check in with them about the activities they are engaged in.

As teachers, we will do our best to provide clear instructions with achievable outcomes. If you find that tasks are consistently missing the mark - too hard / too easy / too little / too much, please email your teacher.

The Student Learning Diaries will be sent home at the end of Term 2.

Teacher Communication

General communication will happen through our Google Classroom space.

Teachers will communicate anything specific with parents through email, when and as necessary. The frequency and detail of these communications will be determined on a needs basis. We ask parents to remember that teachers may be communicating with many other families at the same time and that, while they love to hear from you, communications should be essential, succinct, and self-aware.

Teachers will be online from 9 - 3.30 each weekday.

Teachers will endeavour to respond to emails in a 24 hour period.

Remember to also check Konnective regularly for news or notifications from the school.

Monitor online behaviours

Remind your children to be polite, respectful, and appropriate in their communications and to represent your family’s values in their interactions with others. Help your child maintain contact with friends when circumstances permit.

Each Google Classroom space allows for students to post comments, but please remind your child that these should relate to their learning, and that all purely social interactions should be done through other forums. When posting comments, please encourage your children to use formal grammar (not text slang) to practise their written expression and spelling.

Encourage Physical Activity and Exercise

Make sure your children remember to move and exercise. This is vitally important to their health, well being, and to their learning. Think also about how your children can pitch in more around the house with chores or other responsibilities. Don’t let your children off the hook – expect them to pitch in!

Where possible, our teachers will base the learning sent home around common household items and tasks to make the learning authentic and engaging.

What To Do if your Child is Sick

Please email your child’s teacher so that they are aware your child will not be able to complete their learning for the day.

Literacy and Numeracy Tips

If your child has their Handwriting Book, please wait for instructions - do not let the children race ahead and complete the pages without instruction.

A booklet from the Department of Education and Training that has a range of literacy and numeracy tasks designed to build your child's knowledge.

The Victorian Curriculum is accessible for all to see the expectations for students at different levels.

How to access help

Please email the class teacher if you have questions related to:

  • A piece of work, resource, learning activity (however, we encourage the students to ask for help themselves through Classroom if they don't understand something)

  • Any academic concern

  • Any issues with technology

  • Talking with the school chaplain, Robyn

Useful Websites

If you do not have your log in details for these - please contact your teacher.

Login Required

Google Classroom:

Mathletics -

Reading Eggs (Year 1/2) -

Essential Assessment -

No Login Required

Numeracy At Home -

Printable Worksheets:

Department of Education Learning From Home:

Learning from home - FUSE

On-site Attendance Form: To be completed if your child needs to attend school for care and supervision.

We appreciate and thank you for your ongoing cooperation and understanding as we do our best to ensure the learning continuity for all of our students who cannot physically attend school. We will continue to be in contact with parents and caregivers as the situation develops.