Chewton Primary School
Newsletter 18th July 2024
Chewton Primary School is situated on Djaara Country.
We acknowledge the Dja Dja Wurrung people, the custodians and caretakers of the land. We thank them for the care they have taken and continue to take of Country: the rivers, mountains, trees and animals. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We follow Bunjil's teaching: Care for self, care for others, care for Country.
We commit to Be Brave and Make Change.
We will be a voice for generations.
Now, more than ever
Djaara Season: Wararak and Gurruk Time (Silver Wattle and Magpie)
Upcoming Events
15th July First day of Term 3
19th July Meeting Place, Preparation for Puberty 5-6
25th July Preparation for Puberty 5-6
26th July Schools Tree Day
2nd August Meeting Place
4th August National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day
7th August Preparation for Puberty 5-6
9th August International Day of the World's Indigenous People
9th August Mini Olympics
12 August Curriculum Day- pupil free day
15th August Preparation for Puberty 5-6
21st August Book Week Dress up Day
22nd August Lantern Parade 5-8pm, Raffle drawn
23rd August Meeting Place
6th Sept Grade 5-6 Tennis/ Cricket
11-13 Sept Lady Northcote Camp Grade 3-4
13 September Meeting Place
20th Sept Footy Colours Day
From the Office
Welcoming new staff this Term
A big welcome to Erin Cook who is joining us to tutor students in the 2-6 classes this term. She will be working on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Shirley Anderson will be taking the 2-3-4 class on Thursday and Friday.
Library Borrowing
Thursday is library borrowing for Grade 2-3-4 and Friday for P-1. Can you please remember to send your library books back on these days so children can borrow again?
New payment method available
We now have a Square machine in the office as an alternative payment to Compass/cash. At this stage, payments can be accepted on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays.
Assembly this Week
This week our Assembly will start at 3pm to allow time for presentation of the Bank First Grant. Please come and join us. Serena is using the grant money for our veggie garden and Indigenous food garden.
Prep for Puberty
Notes have gone home with students in Year 5 & 6, informing you of the upcoming sessions. Payments can be made through compass.
Mid-winter Raffle: Tickets $2 each or 3 for $5
The raffle has been extended and will be drawn on the new Lantern Walk date - 22nd of August.
Please collect more ticket booklets if you would like to sell them to friends and family over the holidays.
Trailer load of firewood
$100 petrol vouchers
Laura Veleff ceramics
Muesli Bars
Muesli Bars are available to be purchased. You can bring in up to $5 and then your child can get a muesli bar each day from the Green Team at recess at the Outdoor Kitchen. Please bring cash to the office. We will have vegan and gluten free option available very soon!
We are hoping you will consider a muesli bar rather than bikkies or a bar from the supermarket!
There was lots of interest at the Resource Smart awards in our unique solution to soft plastic waste. We are keen to see what difference we can make to your wallets and your landfill bins! Thanks for your support.
This term in Kimochis all students will be exploring different feelings.
This week
P/1 are exploring the Mad feeling. The Kotowaza they will be looking at is “It’s ok to be mad but it’s not ok to be mean”
2 – 6
Over the next two weeks years 2 to 6 will be learning about how to get included and to include others.
The Kotowaza they will be looking at is “It’s always more fun when we include everyone”
Hands on Learning
What's happening in the P-1 class
This week in the P1 class we built an Earthworm viewer. We layered gravel, soil, sand, grass and earthworms. We will be checking our viewer every couple of days. This activity is part of Inquiry, we are learning about mini beasts.
What's happening in the 2-3-4 class
This week in 2-3-4 we have been working on showing the reader rather than telling the reader what we did during the school holidays. We used our senses to paint word pictures to engage the reader. It makes the reader feel like they are right there in the moment.
What's happening in the 5-6 class?
We are so excited our new hoodies have arrived. Designed by Quincy and Tyrone they show Bunjil and local landscape. Thanks to Kitty for her design assistance and organisation!
Hoodie designers Quincy and Tyrone
Our new Grade 5-6 Hoodies
We are so excited our new hoodies have arrived. They are keeping us toasty and warm and look fantastic. Tyrone and Quincy both had winning designs and Kitty was able to put them together to make the one pictured.
From the Green Team
Muesli bar survey results
15 people have now stopped buying muesli bars at the supermarket.
19 people still have some plastic in their lunchbox.
21 people still buy muesli bars at the shops.
Please remember there are muesli slices at school.
Soft Plastic Waste
Do you got to Eaglehawk? We are looking for someone to take soft plastics to the Eaglehawk Recycling Centre once a term. Can you please help us out?
Community Notices
First Peoples Connections and information
Djaara (Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation)
DJAARA - Home | Facebook Nalderun Education Aboriginal Corporation
Reconciliation Week 2024 Now more than ever
Wararak and Gurruk time Silver wattle and magpie time
July-August – the cool weather continues but some warmer days arrive. The bush comes alive with the sight and smell of flowering wattles and the call of many birds.
Gurruk (Australian Magpie) begin to construct nests for raising young. Water Ribbon tubers are roasted and eaten. Flowering Early Nancy signal that the eggs of Black Swans are ready for collection. The wood from some wattle species can be used for making tools.
Early Nancy and Scented Sundews form white carpets on slopes and hilltops at places like Kalimna Park, the Muckleford Nature Conservation Reserve and the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park. Wararak (Silver Wattle) bursts into flower along the Loddon River and Campbells and Forest Creeks.
• Water Ribbon tubers flower and seed along rivers and creeks
• Migratory Cuckoos (Fan-tailed, Pallid, Shining Bronze and Horsfield’s Bronze) arrive and begin calling for the breeding season
• Many Acacia species burst into flower including Wayi-Galk (Golden), Wararak (Silver), Rough and Woolly Wattles
• Rakali (Water-rat) mate
• Early Nancy and Scented Sundews form white carpets on slopes and hilltops.
The Dja Dja Wurrung seasons were compiled by Uncle Rick Nelson and Karl Just, with contributions from Frances Cincotta, Elaine Bayes, Damien Cook, Tanya Loos, Geoff Park, Cassia Read and Trace Balla. More information on Mt Alexander Shire Council's website.
See Drew Barwick explaining Djaara seasons hereConsumer Deposit Scheme
Drop your containers at Chewton Servo and donate your proceeds to Chewton Primary School.
Every little bit counts!
First Nations Days of Significance
Term 1
13th February Anniversary of Apology to Stolen Generations
Term 2
26th May Sorry Day
27th May - 3rd June Reconciliation Week
31st May Reconciliation Walk
7th-14th July NAIDOC Week
Term 3
4 August National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day
9 August International Day of the World's Indigenous People
Sports Dates:
Term 3
5th-6th Sept Grade 5-6 Tennis/ Cricket
Term 4
11 October Grade 5-6 Goldfields Tennis/ Softball
21 October Grade 5-6 Goldfields Division Cricket/ basketball
8 November Grade P-2 Kickball
Camp Dates
Lady Northcote Camp: Grade 3-4 11-13 September
Boomerang Camp Grade 2, 17-18 October
Urban Camp: Grade 5-6, 6-8 November