Chewton Primary School

Newsletter 8th December 2022

Chewton Primary School is situated on Djaara Country.

We acknowledge the Dja Dja Wurrung people, the custodians and caretakers of the land. We thank them for the care they have taken and continue to take of Country: the rivers, mountains, trees and animals. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging.

We commit to Be Brave and Make Change.

What's coming up

9 December Secret Santa presents due, Sushi!

12 December School Captain (2023) speeches 2:30pm all welcome

14th December: Grade 6 Graduation, Whole school picnic 5:30-7:30. Welcome to Country at 5:30, Secret Santa!

15 December Pool afternoon 12:30-3:30 Whole school

16 December Xmas Carols at the post office 10am, finishing at the park

16 December Yabbying Grade 3-6

19 December Big Day Out Grade 6 students

20 December Last Day of term 1:30 finish

See you at the Year 6 Graduation

& End of year picnic


Welcome to Country 5:30 sharp

Secret Santa 7ish

Enter via the western emergency gate or eastern end. BYO food. Family friendly alcohol free event.

The BBQ will be available and and pizza oven (weather permitting)

Decorating the Christmas Tree


Wow! Look what arrived this week! A tesla battery for our solar system. This has been fitted to our Multipurpose Building to ensure that in the event of an emergency, we would have power back up to keep us comfortable in our Shelter in Place. Funds provided by the Bushfire Preparedness Program.


Biodiversity Audit with Debbie Rovere and Inga Hamilton from Sustainability Victoria

Thanks to Debbie and Inga who joined us on Thursday to work with John and the Grade 5/6 on our biodiversity audit. They were incredibly impressed with all the planting that we have done with the Post Office Hill Action Group (Thanks POHAG!). They said that doing a biodiversity audit was actually incredibly difficult at Chewton because we have more natural surrounds than many schools! They also asked me if the children know how lucky they are to have a school like Chewton? They loved the cubbies, the bush behind the school, the creek and the different zones in the school yard. They were fascinated by the hand pump and very impressed with the knowledge the students have. Debbie suggested we should host a group of schools next year to share our great work, and to nominate for the Resource Smart Awards. Well done Chewton Primary!

Such a busy time. The builders are working away in the P-2 and 3-4 room. The connecting door between the library and 5-6 room has gone in. If you haven't seen the new rooms, please come in. They look amazing! Our container has arrived.Thanks to Wendy, Jonathon, Dan, Trinity, Scott and John for answering the call out today! We still have a few things to move if you are available on Friday morning...

Are you able to take some e-waste to the Castlemaine tip for recycling? We have gas heaters and an old air conditioner that need to be taken.

Chewton Cafe

By 🐰Layla🐹 WALKER

And 🚧Jai Blundell🚧


On Friday the 9th of December 3/4 will be

opening a drinks Cafe

We need grade 3/4 parent helpers

To help us run our cafe between 1:30 and 2:30

Please email Miki if you want to volunteer


Please bring money to Purchase

Snowcones $1

Juices $1.50

Free things

There are still a few things to give away. Blackboards, some shelving and tables.

Great for storage

Free tables are outside the western gate near the compost.

For Sale

We still have doors, windows and baltic pine lining boards for sale. Proceeds go towards new library furniture. Please see Bernadette

4 x windows circa 1911 heritage

$100 each

Baltic Pine lining boards $100 the lot

Cupboard doors circa 1911 $100

MARC Library Books

Dear parents

Library van visits for this year have finished and there are still outstanding overdue books. Overdue notices were sent out to child/ren if they have any outstanding MARC van books. Please check at home for any library books and return them to school. I will be visiting your school Monday 12th December to collect books.

Ms Russell

Whole school step up day

Tuesday 13th December

Current grade 6 students go to their new high school for the day. All other students "step up" for the day into their new classes. 2023 Preps will be with us till 2:30, along with our new P-2 teacher Sue Pearson.

Bike Ride and Popcorn

Grade 3-6 students went on a bike ride to Garfield Water Wheel on Wednesday. Thanks to Lorenzo and Trinity for joining us! The whole school had popcorn as a treat afterwards!

School Council news

At our last School council meeting, the data on the school uniform surveys was discussed. School Council have decided to have a trial in Term 1.

First three weeks of school: Full school uniform

Week 4 and 5: School top/jumper and choice of pants/shorts

Week 6 and 7: Optional- choice of wearing uniform or casual clothes

Week 8 and 9: Survey of school community- students, parents and staff to find out views on uniforms.

School Council to review survey data at 30th March 2023 Meeting and decide next course of action

Policies passed at last meeting: Asthma Policy, Administration of Medication Policy, Healthcare Needs Policy, Sunsmart Policy.

Next meeting: Thursday 15th December 6:30pm

Are you interested in joining School Council next year? We are looking for new members.

Community Notices

Solomon Islanders communtiy picnic flyer - December 2022.pdf







Again we will are gather at the Monster Meeting site in the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park to remember the Diggers who began a democratic protest movement that spread across the goldfields and kick-started the development of parliamentary democracy in Victoria . Their Meeting is a part of the Park’s unique history.

The Park, on DjaDja Wurrung land, is the largest historic mining landscape in Australia, and 20 years ago, in December 2003, it was listed in the Victorian Heritage Register . It uniquely still shows authentic traces of the tens of thousands who came to find gold at Forest Creek, the richest shallow alluvial goldfield ever discovered, and changed the land of the Djaara people who lived there for thousands of years and left the gold unwanted in the ground.

At 1.30 we will there will be some gold panning organised by Parks Victoria for Junior Rangers – pans will be provided.

At 3 pm there will be a traditional Welcome and then we will celebrate the Diggers’ Meeting with music from the Brasselmania Brass Band, including some of the music that the Saxe Horn Band played to the Diggers in 1851. And speakers will tell the Diggers’ story from the dray, including with the words from 1851.

Remember. Bring a hat ,water & a chair if you don’t want to sit on the grass.

Organised by Chewton Domain Society & Parks Victoria.

Fire Danger Ratings

We are in the North Central District

Fire ratings.pdf