Transcript - Taronga western plains zoo is reopening

Transcript - Taronga Western plains Zoo is reopening

Zoo Keeper taking

00:00 it's been a really tough few months for

00:02 all of us not being able to see our

00:04 loved ones or do the things we love to

00:06 do and since we've closed the doors to

00:08 both our zoos we've really missed having

00:10 our guests around. Taronga is a special

00:13 place and we know we've got a special

00:14 role to play in providing a safe space

00:17 for families and guests to connect with

00:19 nature and wildlife, that's why we're so

00:22 happy to announce that Taronga

00:23 western plains zoo in Dubbo, and

00:25 Taronga zoo here in Sydney are reopening

00:28 our doors to welcome you back. As always

00:33 safety of our guests and our staff and

00:35 the animals in our care, are our number one

00:37 priority

00:38 so we needed to make a few changes that

00:40 will make your day at the zoo just a

00:41 little bit different than the normal to

00:43 Taronga experience. For a start,

00:46 we'll be limiting the number of guests

00:47 on-site at any one time which will make

00:49 it nice and easy to practice social

00:51 distancing on our beautiful 300 hectare

00:54 site here in Dubbo. To avoid waiting in

00:58 queues and to monitor numbers in the zoo,

01:00 tickets will only be available online at

01:02 to prevent gatherings.

01:07 Live keeper talks won't be resuming just

01:09 yet but with the click of a button you

01:11 can watch virtual keeper talks on your

01:13 personal device via Taronga TV, we've

01:17 installed signage floor markings and

01:19 sanitising stations throughout the zoo

01:21 to help people practice social

01:23 distancing and good hygiene practices.

01:26 Our animals aren't the only ones who

01:29 look forward to feeding time here at

01:30 Taronga, but for now, our cafes and

01:33 eateries will be take away with

01:35 contactless payments only and our dining

01:38 areas will be operating under New South

01:40 Wales government restrictions and advice.

01:43 To minimize the risk to you and your

01:45 family, we won't be operating tours or

01:48 encounters but whilst you won't be able

01:50 to take a behind-the-scenes tour ,we've

01:52 welcomed some incredible new arrivals

01:54 including a male hippo calf that's

01:56 growing in size and confidence. We can't

01:58 wait for you to meet him and all the

02:00 other animals that call the zoo home.

02:14 And of course, we'll be doing additional

02:17 cleaning around bathrooms, food service

02:19 areas and hard surfaces. As giraffe's are

02:25 back in their iconic location, it's about

02:28 time we welcomed you back - and the best

02:31 part about your visit is that you'll be

02:33 supporting our wildlife hospitals and

02:35 our conservation programs around the

02:37 world because at Taronga, we're not for

02:40 profit, we're for the wild. We'll see you

02:42 soon.



End of transcript