
Compulsory school attendance

Regular attendance at school is essential for students to achieve quality life outcomes. With students now working from home and online due to the effects of the COVID 19 virus it is more important than ever our students are engaging in quality education.

At Vincentia Public school our daily attendance procedures are as follows:

  1. Stage 2 & 3 students must log on daily to their stages Google Classroom between 8.30 am and 10am and answer the attendance question to be marked as present. Parents/Carers of K-2 Students are to go onto their Instagram and reply/comment on the daily attendance post to be marked as present.

  2. If your child is sick or absent from learning please select the absent button and leave a short explanation why.

  3. As per Department Policy if your child is absent from learning for more than 2 days, staff will call and make contact.

'If this procedure will not work within your families context, please contact the school to make additional arrangements.'