Take a look into the day of a Kindy student

Each and every day in Kindergarten is full of fun, laughter and joy.
Students are immersed in engaging activities allowing them to discover the world around them.

Let us take you through a day in the life of a Kindergarten student.

Before School

  • Wake up

  • Put on your school uniform, socks and shoes

  • Have a yummy breakfast

  • Pack your bag

8:40 - 9:05 Arrive at school

  • Hang your bag on your hook

  • Put your hat on your head

  • Move to the playground to play with your friends

9:05 Learning Time

  • Line up outside your classroom

  • Wait for your teacher

  • Come inside and be ready to learn all about letters, sounds, reading and writing.

10:00 Crunch and Sip

  • Eat a small serving of fresh fruit or vegetables

  • Drink some water

  • Stretch our legs

Learning Time

  • Back to work we go

  • We might read a story, do some writing or even make some craft

11:05 Recess

  • Put on our hats

  • Get our recess out of our bag

  • Sit under the trees and eat

  • Then we play with our friends

11:30 Learning Time

  • Line up outside your classroom

  • Wait for your teacher

  • Head back inside for more learning

  • Now it's time to learn about numbers

12:55 Lunch

  • Put on our hats

  • Get our lunch out of our bag

  • Sit under the trees to eat

  • Play with our friends

  • Kindergarten can play on the equipment on Thursday & Friday

1:45pm Learning Time

  • Line up outside your classroom

  • Wait for your teacher

  • Head inside for more learning

  • In the afternoon we might read a story then do some Science, History, Geography or Art.

3:05 School Day Ends

  • We pack up the classroom

  • Get our bags

  • Meet our mum or dad at Kiss & Drop, Commenarra, Dawson or Top Gate

  • Some of us may go to OOSH