For all enquiries please contact: 

Sue Dawson - Arts Coordination Officer


Mobile: 0402 992 897

About the camp

Transitions is a 3-day creative arts camp for NSW public school students in Years 5 and 6 from across the Far South Coast. The camp is inclusive and open to all students with an interest in creative and performing arts.


The camp is structured around the theme of ‘transitions’ supporting students to explore and express their hopes and fears about their forthcoming transitions into high school through an integrated performing arts program.


Students will have the opportunity to participate in art forms including but not limited to: dance, drama, physical theatre/circus art, film-making, visual arts and creative crafts.

The camp will provide a challenging and stimulating arts education program covering a variety of art forms enabling students to develop their skills and creativity in a fun and safe environment with like-minded students.


The program will be delivered by specialist performing arts educators, engaging and encouraging students’ creative self-expression, and will culminate in a final performance for teachers, friends and families on the final evening of the camp.


What does the camp hope to achieve?

Watch the 2023 Transitions Camp documentary to hear from students about their time at camp. This video was made by the students in the filmmaking project groups at camp.

Transitions Small Schools Creative Arts Camp 2023 - camp doco

Duration: 07:16

Camp information


Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 September 2024 (Term 3 Week 9)

Arrival time: 8:30 am to 9:00 am Monday 16 September 2024 - Bega Civic Centre

Pickup time: 7:00 pm Wednesday 18 September  2024 - Bega Civic Centre (following the end of camp showcase)


Accommodation and night activities:
Kianinny Bush Cottages - 246 Tathra Rd Tathra NSW 2550

Arts workshops and end-of-camp showcase:
Bega Civic Centre - Zingel Place Bega NSW 2550

Please note: Students will be bused to and from Kianinny to Bega Civic Centre each day.


How to apply

Eligible students: Open to Year 5 and Year 6  NSW public school students from primary schools across the Far South Coast.

Students interested in participating in the Transitions - Far South Coast Creative Arts Camp in 2024 are required to complete the Transitions - FSCCAC - application form by Friday 10 May 2024 (Term 2 Week 2).

All students must gain approval from their parent/carer and the principal of their school to apply. 

School principals will be contacted by the coordinator of the camp to endorse applicants from their school before offers of acceptance.

All successful and non-successful applicants will be notified via email on Friday 1 May (Term 2 Week 1).

Accepted students will be sent further information, permission notes and payment information. 

Accepted students will be required to pay in full to their school by Friday 23 August 2023 (Term 3 Week 5)


Duty of care will be provided by Departmental staff at the camp.  Schools are not required to send a teacher with students to the camp. 

Interested small school staff who would like to attend the camp either as a workshop leader or duty of care teacher should contact Sue Dawson to discuss the options available.



Leaving the camp

Workshop groups

We actively encourage students to challenge themselves and try new things as part of their involvement at the camp.

Project groups

Students will be completing 2 project groups throughout their time at camp. Students will spend approximately 2 hours each day working with each of their project groups.  During this time students will complete projects for the showcase gallery and/or performance.

Project groups on offer include:

Interest group – creative arts

Each student will complete 2 creative arts sessions of approximately 1 hour where they will get a taste of different art forms and create a piece of work to showcase in our gallery at the camp showcase.

Interest groups – creative crafts include activities such as sketching, mixed media arts, Aboriginal arts, mask making, flower press art.

Interest group – performance arts

Each student will complete 2 performance art sessions of approximately 1 hour where they will get a taste of the different artform.  Students will be encouraged to try art forms they are not doing as part of their focus groups.

Interest groups - performance arts include dance, drama and circus.

Whole camp activities

Students will also participate in whole camp activities.  

All students are encouraged to give each activity their best and enjoy the opportunity to try new activities and experiences throughout the camp.

Camp showcase

Student behaviour

The Transitions - Small Schools Creative Arts Camp is a Department of Education event and as such, like at school, all students are expected to abide by the Department’s Behaviour Code for Students. Students are representing themselves, their families and their school whilst at camp.

In addition, the following expectations apply to all students:


Third-party content attributions 

No third-party attributions.

Produced by The Arts Unit    © State of New South Wales (Department of Education), 2024.The copyright material published on this website is subject to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), and is owned by the NSW Department of Education or, where indicated, by a party other than the NSW Department of Education.
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