
What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is when you take the time to completely slow down and focus on yourself and what you are doing. It is how you focus on your thoughts, feelings and surrounding environment in a calm and easy way.

Why is it important?

Mindfulness is important as it:

  • Improves emotional regulation

  • Reduces anxiety & stress

  • Increases concentration

  • Leads to better decision making

  • Improves mood

Outdoor Activities for Mindfulness



Cloud Watching

Mindful breathing


Draw, colour or doodle

Read a book outside

Listen to music


Meditation is when you take some time to use mindfulness as a way to achieve a focused and an emotionally calm state of mind.

Click on the videos below to access 5 minute guided meditation and meditation music

Today's Brain Break!

Brain Breaks are a great way to reduce stress, anxiety and frustration. Try using them in between classes to assist with focus and productivity during your next lesson.

Give this one a go!