Dear Year 7 Tempe Families,

Welcome to Tempe High School! We hope you are all safe and well.

A few important notes for Friday 29th January:

a) Please arrive before 8.30am to ensure you complete a COVID visitors sign on form. Enter from Gate 2 (off Unwins Bridge Road) and you will see a sign on desk outside the office. Please make sure you sign on at the beginning of the day as per NSW Govt policy.

Gate 1 will be closed at 8.15am.

b) Parents and students will be directed into the quad for the first part of the day. Parents will only be staying for the first 15 minutes of the assembly. Parents will then farewell their children and then students will enter the Hall for the rest of Period 1 and 2.

c) Book packs can be purchased from the front office if you have not already purchased one.

d) Bike racks can be found next to the Collins Street portables; please ask at the front office.

We look forward to meeting you all!