Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Classes

Acting like animals!

Explore characterisation through animals

Student drama resource developed by The Arts Unit

Years 3 and 4 drama

What will I learn?

You will:

Before you begin

I hope you have lots of energy today and are ready to discover more about drama and animals!

You'll need:

Watch the video about using animals to create characters

2. Explore

Write down up to 3 characteristics of each of the animals in the pictures, including how they look, sound and move.

For example, a mouse is shy, small, quiet, squeaky, twitches and scurries.

3. Create 

Choose 2 animals and create a frozen image (tableau) for each one using your body and face.

A tableau is a still image that is presented by actors taking on roles and freezing in that position. The visual image is composed much like a photograph.

Take a photo of each of your animal character tableaux

Share your photos with your teacher!

Ask them if they can tell which animal you created.

A girl mimicking a meerkat. Her hands are closed like claws and she has an alert expression.
Student as a meerkat
A student sitting and mimicking a mouse. Her body language is crouched and defensive with a timid expression.
Student as a mouse

4. Perform

Create a short individual drama performance (monologue).

Act out 1 of the animals, this time adding sounds and verbal elements. Think about the characteristics you wrote about in activity 1. Now try to make them come to life!  


You might like to perform your monologue for your class or record your monologue using video with audio.

Well done! 

You have completed this Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Class.

You might like to explore more of our Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Classes:

Boy - Year 3 and 4 drama
Acting like animals! - Years 3 and 4 drama
Puppet masters - Years 3 to 6 drama

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