Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Teachers - Tales from the Wild Bush

Art and exploration

Primary teacher drama resource developed by The Arts Unit

Craft Adventure

Lead your students through the following activities to engage in nature and creativity.

Tales from the Wild Bush has 2 settings - Elektra's world and the Australian Bush.

As a class, go for a walk around your playground. Use the 5 senses to immerse students in the experience. For example:

As you walk through your adventure, collect some leaves and natural objects for the next task.

Art exploration

Paper puppy

Snuffles the puppet dog, is Elektra's source of comfort and home as they travel through the tales of the wild bush. 


Bark projects

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Use the amazing artworks below, created by students as part of Operation Art 2021, for inspiration for this task.

Wombat in the style of Pete Cromer by Thomas Dang

Tower Street Public SchoolOperation Art 2021
Student artwork: a wombat constructed from coloured paper

Koala Love by Eliza Rawle

Carrathool Public SchoolOperation Art 2021
Student artwork: a drawing of a koala in a tree with a painted blue background

Kangaroo Sky
by Elizabeth Cheng

Eastwood Heights Public SchoolOperation Art 2021

Cockatoo in the style of Pete
Cromer by Lawrence Quan

Tower Street Public SchoolOperation Art 2021
Student artwork: A cockatoo constructed from coloured paper on a green background.

by Christiano Di Noro

Corrimal East Public SchoolOperation Art 2021
Student artwork: A kingfisher constructed from coloured paper

Possum in the style of Pete Cromer by Hannah Bayley

Tower Street Public SchoolOperation Art 2021
Student artwork: a ringtail possum constructed from coloured paper with a purple background.

Friendship Forever by Ella Kiss

Goulburn East Public SchoolOperation Art 2021
Student artwork: a pelican and a budgie, constructed from coloured paper collage design.

by Lux Valentine James

Darlinghurst Public SchoolOperation Art 2021

Koala by Reuben Koon

Warrawee Public SchoolOperation Art 2021
Student artwork: a painting of a koala with a big smile and a green mottled background.

Laughing Kookaburra
by Felix Minter

Leura Public SchoolOperation Art 2021
Student artwork: Kookaburra against a blue background with a yellow sun.

Connect to Country

The following activities are intended to connect students to the history of their local area. 

Teachers might like to:

You can contact representatives of your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community groups through agencies such as the Aboriginal Education Consultative Group, Lands Council, Language and Culture Nests or groups, or Local Councils.


Discuss the following with your students:

Extension: Stage 3

D'harawal calendar

Visit the Bureau of Meteorology website to explore Indigenous weather systems. 

The 6 seasons according to the D'harawal calendar are:

Watch the video Season Shuffle

Lead your students through the following activity.

Ask students to look at the 4 corners of the space they are in right now.

Imagine each corner is a different season:

Experiment with different ways of moving between each of the 4 seasons by reacting physically to each change in the weather as you travel around the four corners of the space.

Using knowledge of the D'harawal Calendar, extend this activity into 6 different areas of the room and move between the 6 different Indigenous weather systems. 

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