@The Arts Unit Creative Classes

The abstract world of Kandinsky

Teacher notes

Explore abstract art and music inspired by artist Wassily Kandinsky

Student visual arts and music resource developed by The Arts Unit

Years 3 to 6 music

What will your students learn?

Your students will:

  • explore the concept of abstract art and the work of Wassily Kandinsky

  • identify shape, form and colour used in Kandinsky’s work

  • create abstract artworks experimenting with shape, form and colour

  • appreciate the work of other students inspired by Kandinsky

  • experiment with music and art in Chrome Music Lab.

Syllabus outcomes

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus

Visual Arts

  • VAS2.1: represents the qualities of experiences and things that are interesting or beautiful by choosing among aspects of subject matter.

  • VAS2.2: uses the forms to suggest the qualities of subject matter.

  • VAS2.3: acknowledges that artists make artworks for different reasons and that various interpretations are possible.

  • VAS2.4: identifies connections between subject matter in artworks and what they refer to, and appreciates the use of particular techniques.

  • VAS3.2: makes artworks for different audiences assembling materials in a variety of ways.

  • VAS3.3: acknowledges that audiences respond in different ways to artworks and that there are different opinions about the value of artworks.

  • VAS3.4: communicates about the ways in which subject matter is represented in artworks.


  • MUS2.2: improvises musical phrases, organises sounds and explains reasons for choices.

  • MUS3.2: improvises, experiments, selects, combines and orders sound using musical concepts.

Suggestions for how to use this resource with your students

View the work of Wassily Kandinsky to explore the concept and artmaking practice of abstract art through shape, form and colour. You may choose to select specific images of Kandinsky’s work or use those provided in the lesson.

For further lesson ideas, go to:

Collection of student work

  • Google Form: create a Google form with activities and/or questions. Students can also upload any files they create. Email this form to your students with the Creative Class link and all your student responses will be combined in a Google sheet.

  • Google Classroom Assignment: create an assignment or a quiz in your Google Classroom with activities and/or questions. Students can also upload any files they create.

  • MS Teams: create a quiz or assignment in your class team drive where students can submit responses and upload any files they create.

  • Email: ask your students to email you any responses and files they create.

  • Flipgrid: a website that allows teachers to create 'grids' to facilitate video discussions. Each grid is a message board where teachers can pose questions called 'topics'. Students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display.

  • Jamboard: an interactive whiteboard which can be used for class feedback.

For further support on how to create these resources

Offline access

Download and print this document to send to students with limited access to online resources.

The abstract world of Kandinsky - @The Arts Unit Creative Classes.docx

Would you like to promote your school and showcase your students' work as a result of engaging in this Creative Class?

Help us celebrate the fantastic work of NSW public school students by emailing photos or videos that you have permission to share and comments on how your students enjoyed the class to digital.artsunit@det.nsw.edu.au.

Please include the Creative Class title and your school name in the email so we can share on The Arts Unit social media and our website.

Teacher feedback

We are very interested in your feedback.

Please complete this short survey reflecting on this resource.