@The Arts Unit Creative Classes

The abstract world of Kandinsky

Explore abstract art and music inspired by artist Wassily Kandinsky

Student visual arts and music resource developed by The Arts Unit

Years 3 to 6 visual arts and music

What will I learn?

This is a series of 3 lessons.

In these lessons, you will:

  • explore the concept of abstract art and the work of Wassily Kandinsky

  • identify shape, form and colour used in Kandinsky’s work

  • create abstract artworks experimenting with shape, form and colour

  • appreciate the work of other students inspired by Kandinsky

  • experiment with music and art in Chrome Music Lab.

Before you begin

You will need:

  • a device to watch the videos (for example, an interactive whiteboard, a computer or a tablet)

  • art supplies to create your Kandinsky-inspired masterpieces. This could include paints, crayons, markers, textas, chalk, or paintbrushes.

  • a ruler, pencil or markers for drawing geometric shapes.

Image of art supplies - paper, watercolours, textas, markers and rulers.

Who is Wassily Kandinsky?

Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter who was born in 1866.

As a child, his parents expected him to paint pretty landscapes and still-life paintings, just like everyone else.

But Kandinsky was different. It is thought that he had synesthesia, which influences your senses. People with synesthesia feel, see, hear, smell and taste things in unique ways.

He wanted to paint music. He said he could hear bold, swirling colours and see vibrant-coloured sounds. He wrote about hearing a hissing sound while mixing colours in his paintbox.

The way Kandinsky saw and heard life greatly influenced his art and he grew up to be one of the first creators of abstract art.

Abstract artworks use colours, lines and shapes. They are not intended to look like real objects or living things. Abstract art is more about the feelings the artwork expresses.

Watch this video to learn a little more about this amazing abstract artist.

Art With Mati & Dada – Kandinsky

Duration: 7:17

Lesson 1 Kandinsky circles

Throughout his career, Kandinsky loved to explore circles.

In Lesson 1, you will examine his use of circles and create your own circle-inspired artworks.

Painted circles in greens, blues and pinks.

Lesson 2 Kandinsky abstract shapes

Kandinsky felt that he could express feelings and music through colours and shapes in his artworks.

In Lesson 2, we will explore Kandinsky's world of abstract shapes.

Abstract artwork of various shapes and lines

Lesson 3 Kandinsky musical pictures

In lesson 3 we will experiment with Chrome Music Lab Kandinsky.

Chrome Music Lab is a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments.

This experiment is inspired by Wassily Kandinsky, who compared painting to making music.

It turns anything you draw – lines, circles, triangles, or scribbles – into sound!

Cartoon of a child making music surrounded by colourful shapes and music symbols

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