@The Arts Unit Creative Classes

West African dance

Lesson 2 Sequence 2

Learn and perform dances from the West African cultural context

Student dance resource developed by The Arts Unit

Years 7 to 10 dance

What will I learn?

In Lesson 2, Lucky will continue to build on your repertoire of West African dance movements with a new phrase.  

You will also learn to use West African drumming language instead of counts.

Before you begin

Before you begin:

Safety tips for online movement classes if you wish to participate

When you decide to take part in these activities you agree to the following: 

If you have an injury or a medical condition please follow the advice of your health professional. It is suggested you view the exercises beforehand and adjust according to your limitations. Ask your parent/caregiver if you are unsure. 

Please stay safe, listen carefully to all the instructions. 

If you study dance please think about your knowledge of safe dance practice as you execute the instructions. 

Lesson 2 Movement sequence 2

Listen carefully as Lucky explains West African drumming language and how this is used instead of counts.

Follow along with Lucky as he breaks down the movement sequence for this lesson.

Continue with Lucky's instructions as he completes the movement sequence for this lesson.

Now let's put the sequence together by performing the entire movement sequence with music.

Follow along with Lucky's instructions.

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