@The Arts Unit Creative Classes

West African dance

Perform, reflect and appreciate dance with a West African cultural context

Student dance resource developed by The Arts Unit

Years 7 to 10 dance

What will I learn?

This Creative Class is a series of 4 lessons enabling students to explore dance with a West African cultural context.

Students will develop skills related to performing a range of West African dance sequences, as well as reflecting on and appreciating this dynamic form of dance.

You will:

  • perform a variety of combinations, sequences and dances with increasing fluency, precision and articulation

  • manipulate the elements of space, time and dynamics to communicate an idea in performance

  • apply dance technique to the performance of a variety of dance styles

  • describe how the body is used in space, time and dynamics in dance performance.

Before you begin

Photo of choreographer Lucky Lartey.

In this Creative Class, you will learn from Schools Spectacular choreographer, Lucky Lartey.

Lucky is a Sydney-based dancer and choreographer originally from Ghana, West Africa. Lucky’s dance and choreographic works look for ways to negotiate what it means to draw on a rich history of traditional rhythm and dance while engaging with contemporary movement practices. His work is informed by themes of social justice and explorations of what it means to live as a person of African descent in a Western culture.

Before you begin each lesson:

  • demonstrate a warm-up that prepares the major muscle groups for performance

  • make sure you have a clear space to dance safely.

Safety tips for online movement classes if you wish to participate

When you decide to take part in these activities you agree to the following:

  1. You have been given approval from your parent/caregiver prior

  1. You will clear a spot big enough to give you space to move around. Be sure there are no coffee tables, plants or chairs in the way.

  1. Be aware of any pets or small humans that may sneak into your dance space.

  1. Check the height of ceiling fans and light fittings so the area is clear as you reach above your head.

  1. You will wear comfortable clothing that allows a full range of movement.

  1. This will include appropriate footwear:

  • Sneakers, socks, ballet slippers, jazz shoes or bare feet.

  • You may have to adjust based on the flooring you are dancing on.

  • Bare feet may be better than ballet slippers on a slippery floor. Socks may be better on carpet.

  1. Be careful if you are on a rug on a slippery floor.

If you have an injury or a medical condition please follow the advice of your health professional. It is suggested you view the exercises beforehand and adjust according to your limitations. Ask your parent/caregiver if you are unsure.

Please stay safe, listen carefully to all the instructions.

If you study dance please think about your knowledge of safe dance practice as you execute the instructions.

Lesson 1 Movement sequence 1

In Lesson 1, Lucky will introduce us to some basic movements in West African dance through the teaching of Movement sequence 1.

Go to Lesson 1 – Movement Sequence

Lesson 2 Movement sequence 2

In Lesson 2, Lucky will introduce us to West African drumming language and teach Movement sequence 2.

Go to Lesson 2 - Movement Sequence 2

Lesson 3 Kpanlogo dance

In Lesson 3, Lucky will teach us a movement sequence from the Kpanlogo dance from the Ga Tribe in Ghana, West Africa.

Go to Lesson 3 - Kpanlogo dance

Lesson 4 Reflect and appreciate

In lesson 4, you will reflect on the previous lessons and research the Kpanlogo dance from the Ga Tribe in West Africa. You will watch the video of the Kpanlogo traditional dance performed by the tribe.

You will also watch the 2019 Schools Spectacular segment, Look to the Stars featuring the Schools Spectacular African Dance Ensemble performing Awakening Africa, choreographed by Lucky Lartey.

Go to Lesson 4 - Reflect and appreciate.

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Third-party content attributions

  • Schools Spectacular 2019 images, photographer: Anna Warr.