@The Arts Unit Creative Classes

Vision systems fundamentals

Develop knowledge and skills of vision system fundamentals

Student VET entertainment resource developed by The Arts Unit

Years 11 and 12 VET entertainment

What will I learn?

You will:

  • explore vision system equipment, cables and connectors

  • experiment with projector functions

  • apply vision system procedures and processes

  • explore vision system production documentation

  • explore elements of safety when working with vision systems

  • discuss knowledge and understanding of vision systems in production.

Before you begin

Welcome to this @The Arts Unit Creative Class on vision system fundamentals.

Lessons 1 and 2 explores vision system equipment, processes, procedures and documentation.

Lesson 3 has further extension activities for VET Entertainment students.

Each lesson has theoretical and practical components for you to complete.

The changing nature of theatre

The use of vision systems in the entertainment industry has developed extensively over the past decade and changed the way many companies approach the design of their productions.

Watch the video 'How to make a virtual samurai' as an introduction to how vision systems are being used.

How to make a virtual samurai

Duration: 03:31

Basic electrical theory

You must ensure you understand and apply basic electrical theory to the set-up and operation of vision systems.

Key terms include:

  • energised circuit - Electrically connected to or having a source of voltage.

  • de-energised circuit - Free from any electrical connection to a source (disconnected).

  • voltage is the difference in charge between two points.

  • current is the rate at which charge is flowing.

  • resistance is a material’s tendency to resist the flow of charge (current).

For further information on electricity you might like to complete the @The Arts Unit Creative Class - Lighting fundamentals.

Be sure to explore all of our @The Arts Unit VET Entertainment Creative Classes:


To assist with your HSC exam preparations you might like to also visit the Department of Education's HSC hub.

Audio fundamentals - Learn the fundamental elements of a basic audio system.
Lighting fundamentals - Develop knowledge and skills in the basic technical elements of lighting.
Staging fundamentals - Develop knowledge and skills in the technical elements of production staging.
Customer service in the entertainment industry - Develop knowledge and skills to communicate effectively with customers and provide quality service.
Safety in the entertainment industry - Explore safety requirements within the entertainment industry.
Vision systems fundamentals - Develop knowledge and skills of vision system fundamentals.
Lights up! - Stage lighting design basics with Lincoln Gidney.
Spectacular entertainment - Using Schools Spectacular to apply safety, lighting, audio, staging and vision knowledge.
Working effectively in the entertainment industry - Develop skills and knowledge required to work effectively in the entertainment industry.