@The Arts Unit Creative Classes

Musical theatre music

Teacher notes

Discover the key elements of theatre music through performance

Student music resource developed by The Arts Unit

Years 7 to 10 music

What will your students learn?

Your students will:

  • explore the style of theatre music

  • discover the key elements of musical theatre lyrics and orchestral score

  • identify and discuss characteristics of musical theatre in performance.

Syllabus outcomes

Music 7-10 Syllabus

Stage 4

  • 4.4: demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through exploring, experimenting, improvising, organising, arranging and composing.

  • 4.7: demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through listening, observing, responding, discriminating, analysing, discussing and recording musical ideas.

Stage 5

  • 5.4: demonstrates an understanding of the musical concepts through improvising, arranging and composing in the styles or genres of music selected or study.

  • 5.7: demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through the analysis, comparison, and critical discussion of music from different stylistic, social, cultural and historical contexts.

Suggestions for how to use this resource with your students

This class is an introduction to the style of theatre music through examples from various NSW Schools Spectacular performances.

It is essential when exploring the repertoire with students to always observe and discuss and analyse the 6 concepts of music:

  • duration

  • pitch

  • dynamics and expressive techniques

  • tone colour

  • texture

  • structure.

Extension musical concepts questions are aimed at Stage 5 elective music students.

Extending on this lesson can be done through the use of score analysis and specific aural activities.

You could also provide your students with an opportunity to perform repertoire from this theatre music style.

Collection of student work

  • Google Form: create a Google form with activities and/or questions. Students can also upload any files they create. Email this form to your students with the Creative Class link and all your student responses will be combined in a Google sheet.

  • Google Classroom Assignment: create an assignment or a quiz in your Google Classroom with activities and/or questions. Students can also upload any files they create.

  • MS Teams: create a quiz or assignment in your class team drive where students can submit responses and upload any files they create.

  • Email: ask your students to email you any responses and files they create.

  • Flipgrid: a website that allows teachers to create 'grids' to facilitate video discussions. Each grid is a message board where teachers can pose questions called 'topics'. Students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display.

  • Jamboard: an interactive whiteboard which can be used for class feedback.

For further support on how to create these resources

Offline access

Download and print this document to send to students with limited access to online resources.

Musical theatre - music - @The Arts Unit Creative Classes.docx

Would you like to promote your school and showcase your students' work as a result of engaging in this Creative Class?

Help us celebrate the fantastic work of NSW public school students by emailing photos or videos that you have permission to share and comments on how your students enjoyed the class to digital.artsunit@det.nsw.edu.au.

Please include the Creative Class title and your school name in the email so we can share on The Arts Unit social media and our website.

Teacher feedback

We are very interested in your feedback.

Please complete this short survey reflecting on this resource.