@The Arts Unit Creative Classes

Home – Imprinted memory – Jonathan Jones

Teacher notes

Explore connection to place through printmaking  

Student visual arts resource developed by The Arts Unit in collaboration with the Art Gallery of NSW and Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi artist Jonanthan Jones.

Years 3 to 6 visual arts

What will your students learn?

Your students will:

Syllabus outcomes

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus

For further syllabus connections in this Creative Class, please refer to Mapping Aboriginal Perspectives and Cross-Curriculum Content K-10 (PDF 300KB).

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander principles and protocols

Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) refers to the rights that Indigenous people have, and want to have, to protect their traditional arts and culture. Sometimes the words 'cultural heritage' are used to mean the same thing. 

The following 2 links provide information to support teachers in the delivery of Aboriginal content:

Suggestions for how to use this resource with your students

Visit the Art Gallery of NSW collection information or download the barrangal dyara (skin and bones) exhibition visitor guide (PDF 1.17MB) to read more about Wiradjuri, Kamilaroi artist Jonathan Jones’s installation artwork. 

Possible, teacher-led extension 

Watch these videos to hear Wiradjuri, Kamilaroi artist Jonathan Jones talking about what this artwork means and use these as a stimulus to engage in a more in-depth class discussion or research activity.  

Collection of student work 

For further support on how to create these resources

Offline access

Download and print this document to send to students with limited access to online resources. 

Imprinted memory - Digital @ The Arts Unit Creative Classes.docx

Would you like to promote your school and showcase your students' work as a result of engaging in this Creative Class?  

Help us celebrate the fantastic work of NSW public school students by emailing photos or videos that you have permission to share and comments on how your students enjoyed the class to digital.artsunit@det.nsw.edu.au.  

Please include the Creative Class title and your school name in the email so we can share on The Arts Unit social media and our website.

Teacher feedback

We are very interested in your feedback.

Please complete this short survey reflecting on this resource.