Lesson 2

Symbolic still life

Last lesson we looked at an overview of the genre of still life. This lesson we will examine the ways that traditional still life paintings can be understood as a system of signs and symbols that can be read.

Look at the list of common objects in traditional still life paintings below.

  1. What was the symbolic meaning of these objects?
    • In pairs or individually create four slides- one per object- and use the internet to research the traditional meaning of each object.
    • Add an image of the object in a traditional still life painting to each of your slides.

When complete upload your work to the shared digital platform used by your class so that you have a shared resource on still life and symbolism. Hint- See the example slide with a skull explained below. Read the article Secret symbols in still life painting and research other websites to create your slides.

Traditional still life objects

Watch or hourglass, books, shell, insects, broken or tipped over glassware, jewellery or expensive clothing, mirror, rotten fruit, fuming candle, artists materials, exotic flowers.

The Skull

In traditional still life artworks the skull was a universally understood symbol of death. Skulls conveyed a clear memento mori message reminding the viewer of the transience of life, life is short.

Edwaert Collier, Vanitas - Still Life with Books and Manuscripts and a Skull, 1663, Oil on Panel, 56.5 x 70 cm. Image accessed via Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Edwaert_Collier__Vanitas__Still_Life_with_Books_and_Manuscripts_and_a_Skull_-_Google_Art_ProjectFXD.jpg on 17/03/2020

Practical task - year 11 students

2. On a new page in your art diary or on loose paper, carefully sketch the four objects you have researched in task 2. You will need to look carefully at the objects in the paintings you have found. It might help to zoom in. When complete, upload a photo or scan of your work to the shared digital platform used by your class for peer and teacher feedback.

Hint: Everyone's drawing style will vary. For this task, focus on using a range of graduated tones and pencil shading to build realistic looking forms. Note which areas of the objects are in the light and those that are in shadow and try to replicate that in your drawings. Practicing your drawing is the best way to improve.

Complete a minimum of four careful and controlled drawings but feel free to fill a few pages with practice sketches.

There are many videos online that you can refer to when building skills in drawing.