Teaching Unit

Driving Question:

How can we engage our community to value biodiversity in our local environment?


At the end of this Project Based Learning unit, teams present a final product (which is a solution to the driving question) by addressing the following points: 

The Student Teams' final product ideas/concepts can then be displayed on A CLASS WEBSITE (each student group will have a tab on the website) of activities designed to engage their community to value biodiversity in our local environment.

The final product may be submitted in any form that suits the student team and then displayed on the class website.

13 Lessons

Click the Teaching Program button below.


Click the Scope and Sequence button below.

Student Collaboration

Click the Team Collaboration Document button below.

The buttons have been shared with you so you can access the resources needed for this teaching unit. 

Please download them on your computer/USB or copy the resources to your Google Drive. The settings should not allow you to remove anything from the folder. 

It might be more time adequate to download all the resources at once. They have been named to keep them in order of use, and hopefully to make it easier for you.