Post-visit activities

Below are post-visit activities to support learning after your excursion to Bournda National Park

Scott's Hut, Bournda National Park

Post-visit activity -

Comparing family life from the 1890's to the present

During the excursion students will visit Scott's Hut in Bournda National Park and look at how life was different for the Scott family back in the 1890's. More information about Scott's Hut can be found below.

Ask students to list some of the things that are different and some things that are the same between past and present family life.

Kerosene lantern

Post-visit activity - 

Is this item from the past? 

During the excursion students will be shown items that are from the past. These items can be viewed below.

Ask students to look at the pictures and decide if the item is from the past and if they can think of something we use in the present instead of this item. 

Do students have any old fashioned items at home that they could bring in and share with the class?

Comparing life from the 1890's to the present.pdf
Items from the past.pdf