Smith's Hill High School

All My Own Work

Completing Assessment Tasks Honestly

HSC: All My Own Work is a program designed to help HSC students follow the principles and practices of good scholarship. This includes understanding, valuing and using ethical practices when locating and using information as part of their HSC studies.

Students who have completed the program will also know about penalties for cheating and how to avoid malpractice when preparing their work for assessment.

To be eligible for the HSC, students must complete HSC: All My Own Work (or its equivalent) before they submit any work for Preliminary (Year 11) or HSC (Year 12) courses, unless they are only entered for Year 11 and Year 12 Life Skills courses.

Certifying completion of the program

The criteria for satisfactory completion of the program are similar to the criteria for satisfactory completion of a Preliminary or HSC course.

A student is considered to have satisfactorily completed the program if, in the principal's view, there is sufficient evidence that the student has:

  • systematically addressed the content covered by the program

  • applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the program by the school

  • achieved some or all of the program outcomes.

As with decisions about satisfactory completion of a course, the professional judgement of principals and teachers is a key element in decisions about a student's satisfactory completion of the program.

Principals are also able to deem that satisfactory completion has been demonstrated through equivalent programs.

Principals will certify a student’s completion of the program via Schools Online when confirming Preliminary and HSC entries for their school.

Please note: This course is for current Smith's Hill High School (SHHS) students in Year 10 in 2022 and newly enrolling students with a confirmed place to begin Year 11 in 2023 at SHHS.

Before You Start:

If you do not already have a current membership number for the State Library of NSW, please sign up for a Library card, go to:

  • Make sure you check the box to receive your membership number and card “by email & post”.

  • If you have a DET email address, sign up with that email address.

  • When you receive your membership number, save it to your computer/phone/diary. We will be using this membership to access academic databases in Years 11 & 12.