
How to use this resource


The causes, consequences and management of dune erosion issues along the East Coast of Australia will be examined and then compared with the coastal erosions issues faced by the Netherlands - discovering the differences in the issues the erosion has caused and the strategies used to manage the Netherlands coast to protect the country from coastal inundation and flooding.  Different perspectives to the issues and how they are managed will also be examined. 

Warilla Beach is case studied and investigated during a fieldwork excursion led by Illawarra EEC. Prior to visiting the study site, students will become familiar with the characteristics of Warilla Beach and the coastal processes that have formed such an environment.  The field trip will provide a first hand experience examining human impacts of coastal dune erosion  which leads to an investigation of the management strategies in place.    

For the assessment task, students will use their first hand investigation, combined with their knowledge of coastal management strategies in both Australia and the Netherlands, to present the most environmentally sustainable and suitable coastal management strategy to control erosion issues on the southern end of Warilla Beach. 

Environmental change and management


A student:

›   explains processes and influences that form and transform places and environments GE5-2

›   analyses the effect of interactions and connections between people, places and environments GE5-3

›   accounts for perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues  GE5-4

›   assesses management strategies for places and environments for their sustainability GE5-5

›   acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry GE5-7

›   communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies GE5-8

Key inquiry questions

Content Outcomes 

Investigative study

Select ONE type of environment in Australia as the context for a comparative study with at least ONE other country.


explanation of how the biophysical processes operating in the environment maintain its functioning F      

examination of the causes and extent of change to the environment in each country M GS    

analysis of the short and long-term consequences of the environmental change in each country    

discussion of the factors influencing the management responses in each country eg worldviews, competing demands, technology, climate change      

comparison and evaluation of the effectiveness of the management responses in achieving environmental sustainability    

proposal of how individuals could contribute to achieving environmental sustainability for the environment in each country      

Download worksheets for Google Classroom

A worksheet is provided for each Google Site lesson throughout this program.  Please open the relevant document, make a copy and move it into your own Google Drive folder before sharing with students. 

Assessment task

The IEEC has prepared a suite of assessment material including a sample assessment task and marking rubric. This task aims to assess the S5 Environmental change and management Investigative Study. 

The task involves the completion of the booklet from the Warilla Beach fieldwork day with IEEC, and an evaluative report on current management strategies plus a presentation  proposing the most environmentally sustainable and suitable coastal management strategy to control erosion issues on the southern end of Warilla Beach. 

Lesson delivery

Lesson description


Supporting materials

Lesson delivery

Lesson description

Estimated time

Supporting materials

Lesson delivery 

Lesson description

Causes, impact and consequences of coastal erosion is examined in three locations on the eastern coast of Australia, along with the strategies adopted to manage the issues.   Factors influencing management responses in these areas are also presented to be compared with those of the Netherlands in lesson 6. 

Estimated time

Supporting materials

Lesson 3 worksheet - Coastal management - Australia's east coast

Lesson delivery

 Practical, hands on investigations. Students work in small groups and rotate through 4 separate activities.

Lesson description

 Practical, hands on activities to help students contextualise coastal processes and read and interpret weather maps. Students work in groups, rotating through five separate activities. Equipment list provided in Student Pages section.

Estimated time

Supporting materials

Lesson delivery 

Lesson description

Estimated time

Supporting materials

Lesson 5 worksheet - Warilla Beach case study 

Lesson delivery 

Lesson description

A virtual field trip experience for those students unable to attend the Illawarra Environmental Education Centre led excursion day at Warilla beach. 

May also be used to familiarise teaching staff and/or students with the expected program for the excursion day.

Estimated time

Supporting materials

Please open the relevant document, make a copy and move it into your own Google Drive folder before sharing with students. 

Virtual Fieldwork Booklet

Lesson delivery 

Lesson description

Causes, impact and consequences of coastal erosion is examined in three locations in the Netherlands, along with the strategies adopted to manage the issues. Factors influencing management responses in these areas are also presented to be compared with those of the east coast of Australia in lesson 3.

Estimated time

Supporting materials

Lesson 6 worksheet - Coastal management - The Netherlands