
The following interview is with past-student; Natalie E: (2006-2009)


The following transcript comes from past-students; 'Anthi-Marie Lathouras neè Lukas' (as A. L) and 'Vicky Tung neè Lukas' (as V. L):

Answer[A. L]:

Miss Lyons, one of my principals. She guided me and helped me sit my school certificate. She encouraged my learning and supported me.

Answer[V. L]:

I really enjoyed Biology, I think the teacher's name was Ms Michaleff, honestly can't remember. I took a lot of pride in my work as she was a stickler for neatness. 


I left after year 10 and started my hairdressing apprenticeship and started working full time.

Answer[V. L]:

I did a Hospitality course at a private college followed by a year (9 months) in Greece, followed by doing a Marketing Course whilst working at Novotel. 

Answer[A. L]:

To appreciate and value what you have. 

Answer[V. L]:

It taught me to be resilient and respectful. Putting in my all and trying new things, and not being afraid of change.

Answer[A. L]:

The few friends I came out of there with and the person those friendships made me today. 

Answer[V. L]:

Looking back, the culture of the school was very welcoming, engaging and fun. The diversity and acceptance was important for me and really helped me feel accepted.

Answer[A. L]:

Good values, good morals, confidence & support. I hope they learn not just academically but within themselves and are able to grow from the experiences and environment which the school presents. 

Answer[V. L]:

I hope their time at the school inspires them to pursue their goals and gives them the confidence to find their path in life, and the courage to try new things even if they don’t work out the way you expect.

Interview with Anastasia KARATASOULIS (former student 2017-2020)

Copy of Interview Questions for Ms Edeling (2).mp3


I never had one teacher in particular. That was my most memorable, but I always gravitated towards subjects like English history and PDHPE (personal development, health and physical education), as I personally found that these classes were the most interesting and engaging and ended up being the subjects that I tended to do better in, eventually I excelled in my HSC in those specific subjects.

After graduation from Penshurst (girls high school), I went straight to Oatley senior campus to finish Year 11 and 12 and then post graduation at Oatley in 2022. I'm studying a Bachelor of Speech and Hearing Sciences at Macquarie University as I'm interested in pursuing a career in speech pathology.

Being a Penshurst girl has had a significant impact on shaping the person I am today. The school's emphasis on leadership, academic excellence and community involvement allowed me to develop a strong set of interpersonal skills. So communication, teamwork, problem solving that I utilised in my day to day life, whether that be at uni in a work setting.

Reflecting on my time at Penshurst, I am truly appreciative of the friendships that I gained, many of which I'm still friends with to this day. I'm also hugely appreciative of my teachers who always challenged me, motivated me and were always a strong support system. Whenever I needed encouragement, advice or a little pep talk..

I hope that the girls currently attending Penshurst appreciate the opportunities that are available for them. For me, that was leadership and debating, but it could also be in social justice, sport or creative arts. These experiences allowed me to explore my passions and interests and gain deeper knowledge and skills that are super beneficial for future endeavours.