WEEK 7 - Challenges for 50






For this challenge grab a friend or family member and go for a walk in your local area (keeping a safe distance apart) for at least 20 minutes

Try these random conversation starters to get the talk flowing

  • What colour is Tuesday?

  • Which is more important, being right or being nice?

  • If you could take a pill that would make you always happy, would you?


For this challenge click play on the video and follow along with the workout.

Complete the whole workout for 50 points


For this challenge we will be testing your hand eye coordination and throwing and catching skills.

You will need a small ball e.g. a tennis ball.

No ball? No problem....grab some socks and fashion them into a tennis ball shape

Try and complete each of these tasks 10 times :

  • Throw the ball in the air and clap as many times as you can before catching

  • Throw the ball in the air and try to spin around as many times as you can before catching

  • Throw the ball in the air and catch with one hand

  • Throw the ball in the air and catch behind your back

  • Throw the ball against a wall and catch

  • Throw the ball against the wall and catch with one hand

  • Throw the ball against the wall and catch with your non dominant hand

  • Throw the ball against the wall with one hand and catch with your other. Continue alternating. How many catches can you make in 30 seconds?


For this challenge, watch the video and listen to the explanation the trainer gives about why this sit up is impossible.

Attempt the sit up and record yourself if you have any luck.

For a bonus 50 points, adjust your position so you can complete a sit up and do 25 more.