WEEK 2 - Challenges for 100





For this challenge you need to get a partner from your house.

Watch the video with the instructions and challenge your partner to the game of rock scissors paper.

Make sure you copy the last example that practices social distancing

The winner is the player who is still standing.

Do best out of three rounds


So this challenge is a game of Os and Xs with a twist.

You will need:

  • a partner from your house

  • a playing board which can just be a piece of paper with 3 rows and 3 columns drawn on it

  • A half filled bottle of water.

  • a pen each

Get in a plank position and start flipping your water bottle.

When it lands you can put your O or X in a free square.

Get 3 in a row before your partner

GO 4 20

In this challenge you just have to do some kind of cardio activity continuously for 20 minutes. This can be a jog, a bike ride skipping, boxing or a cardio circuit.

This has to be a moderate intensity activity that gets your heart rate up. ( walking wont count for these points)

Get a bonus 50 points if you go for over 30 minutes non stop


Do you know incidental physical activity is the activity you do in every day living, that you haven't necessarily planned for, nor does it have a specific health purpose. But guess what... it can still burn energy and some tasks can get your heart rate up.

For this challenge we suggest you get busy around the house and help contribute to the Family. Vacuum, mow the lawn, dust, wipe down benches, help with washing, mop etc.

A 45 minute session will earn you 100 points and get you in the good books!

Do you need some motivation?... Click HERE.

We're all in this together