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Combined Schools Signing Choir - Under Southern Skies

This teaching resource has been provided to support teachers and students in learning the repertoire for Under Southern Skies.

  • These instructional videos allow students to learn the sequences prior to attending their rehearsal.

  • The rehearsal will allow the signing director time to fine-tune the sequences and teach any movement patterns for this item.

  • Please ensure you take the time to teach the sequences to your students prior to your rehearsal.

Follow along with director Rhonda Hughes and interpreter Larri Monkerud to learn the Auslan-inspired signs for Pulse Alive 2023 - Combined Schools Signing Choir - Under Southern Skies.

Pulse Alive 2023 - Under Southern Skies - Introduction

Duration: 01:56


This soundtrack can be used to rehearse each sequence or to rehearse the item once all sequences have been mastered by the students.

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05a Under Southern Skies (PA23 edit 25 June).mp3

Sequence 1 - verse 1

This section is from 00:00 to 00:44 in the music.

Watch the following 3 videos to learn and rehearse to music this sequence.

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 1 - instructional

Duration: 03:06

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 1 - no music

Duration: 00:41

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 1 - with music

Duration: 00:57

Sequence 2 - chorus

This section is from 00:49 to 01:19 in the music.

Watch the following 3 videos to learn and rehearse to music this sequence.

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 2 - instructional

Duration: 04:07

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 2 - no music

Duration: 00:51

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 2 - with music

Duration: 00:49

Sequence 3 - verse 2

This section is from 01:23 to 01:53 in the music.

Watch the following 3 videos to learn and rehearse to music this sequence.

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 3 - instructional

Duration: 03:47

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 3 - no music

Duration: 00:48

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 3 - with music

Duration: 00:46

Sequence 4 - final chorus to end

This section is from 01:55 to 03:26: in the music.

Watch the following 3 videos to learn and rehearse to music this sequence.

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 4 - instructional

Duration: 00:35

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 4 - no music

Duration: 01:32

Under Southern Skies - Sequence 4 - with music

Duration: 01:43

Full item

Watch the following 2 videos to learn and rehearse to music the full item for Under Southern Skies.

Please note: Slight variations in some signs may be noticed throughout the videos. The signs within these full item videos should be used to fine-tune your performance.

Under Southern Skies - Full item - no music

Duration: 03:21

Under Southern Skies - Full item - with music

Duration: 03:31


Supplied by Pulse Alive

  • Coloured Pulse Alive t-shirt – this is the show t-shirt that is included within your student resource fee and is a different colour depending on which item your school is in.

  • Pulse Alive 2023 - Combined Schools Signing Choir - Under Southern Skies are in navy blue.

  • Navy blue was decided following consultation with our Signing Director and Interpreter. A dark colour enables the students' hands to be highlighted when they are signing.

  • T-shirts will be delivered to schools in mid-late February 2023.

Supplied by students

  • Long black tights/pants – supplied by students.

  • We are pretty flexible on what these are, as long as they are full-length. Boys can wear black tracksuit pants or black jeans.

  • White ankle socks – these will need to be supplied by students.

  • White shoes with WHITE soles – supplied by students. See photos for examples.

White shoes are available at a low cost from stores like Kmart, Big W.

Any white shoes are fine as long as they also have white soles (this is so we don’t damage the flooring that we will be dancing on).

It is fine if the top of the shoes have small sections that aren’t white – as long as white is the dominant colour.

Syllabus outcomes

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus

  • MUE1.1: Participates in simple speech, singing, playing and moving activities, demonstrating an awareness of musical concepts.

  • MUS1.1: Sings, plays and moves to a range of music, demonstrating an awareness of musical concepts.

  • MUS2.1: Sings, plays and moves to a range of music, demonstrating a basic knowledge of musical concepts.

  • MUS3.1: Sings, plays and moves to a range of music, individually and in groups, demonstrating a knowledge of musical concepts.

Music 7-10 Syllabus

  • 4.3: performs music demonstrating solo and/or ensemble awareness.

  • 4.11 & 5.11: demonstrates an appreciation, tolerance and respect for the aesthetic value of music as an artform.

  • 4.12 & 5.11: demonstrates a developing confidence and willingness to engage in performing, composing and listening experiences.