Digital Learning Packs
Early childhood
Welcome to the Early Childhood Digital Learning Packs!
These packs have been created to help families choose activities to support their preschool child's learning at home.
Each pack contains 5 days of learning activities with different play experiences that support a range of learning areas.
Children can complete a full day of activities or may prefer to choose what activities they would like to do on any given day.
The activities all have a learning goal and are linked to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
The activities provide a range of opportunities for adults to engage with children in play and conversations that promote learning. Some tips for families to extend children's learning are at the bottom of this page.
Navigating the Digital Learning Packs
Duration: 2.40
Select a pack from below:
Tips for families to extend their child's learning through the activities:
When engaging in activities with your child you can extend on your child’s play experience by:
following your child’s area of interest to build on what they enjoy and the skills they have already mastered
enhancing curiosity through conversations that include ‘I wonder…’, ‘I notice…’, ‘What would happen if…?’
taking the opportunity to introduce new words specific to the play experience to extend their vocabulary
discussing the meaning of signs and symbols as part of the conversation
including numeracy concepts such as counting, size and position
modeling specific skills for your child so they can observe and imitate
introducing other items to the play for example, building a town around the train track to diversify play experiences.
encouraging your child to try new things and acknowledge that mistakes are part of all learning
demonstrating enjoyment, being in the moment and experimentation.