Kindy Orientation

Kindergarten Orientation for children starting at Concord West Public School in 2023 will take place over two mornings :

Mon 7th November 2022, 9.00-10.45am
Wed 16th November 2022, 9.00-10.45am

RSVP is essential - please contact the school to enrol your child and receive your Invitation to Orientation.

Orientation Invitations have been emailed to enrolled families. Please check your email and RSVP by 4th November at the following link:

What can I expect at Kindy Orientation?

Parents and children attend BOTH sessions as content is different on both days. The children will participate in activities in the Kindy classrooms with teachers, while parents attend a morning tea and information sessions in the hall.

Topics covered in the orientation sessions will include: classes for 2023; Best Start assessments; Kindergarten curriculum; school readiness and expectations; what goes in a schoolbag; paperwork; food at school; uniform shop and canteen.

All families attending Orientation will be provided with a comprehensive Kindy Orientation Pack, with information on starting school, school routines, bell times, food and uniform requirements, and much more.

We look forward to seeing you and your child there!