Student Awards

Henry Chan, a Year 12 students from 2023, was nominated by Kogarah High School as an outstanding student in the area of School Service. He was chosen as a finalist, amongst a group of several other exceptional young people, to attend the award ceremony on 15th March 2024. 

Henry stands as a distinguished member of the international student body, known for his unwavering dedication to service and inclusivity. His active involvement in organising international student welfare meetings has been instrumental in promoting cross-cultural exchange and unity among diverse student populations. Henry’s representation of the school in the district table tennis tournament not only highlighted his athletic prowess but also embodied the school's core values of discipline, respect, and excellence. His multifaceted engagement in these varied aspects of school life underscores his suitability as a deserving candidate for the School Service Award, showcasing a young individual committed to enhancing the collective student experience while upholding the esteemed reputation of the institution.

Henry is now studying to become an Engineer. It has been a pleasure having Henry as a student of Kogarah High School.