
Ingleburn High School is committed to the NSW Department of Educations Anti-Bullying plan.

This page provides parents and carers with important information about bullying. At the bottom of this page are resources for students.

The green buttons below provide information about bullying from the NSW Department of Education.

Information for parents and carers

If your child or ward is being bullied please follow the guidelines below from the NSW Department of Education.

  1. Listen calmly and get the full story.

  2. Reassure them for telling you and that it is important they feel safe at school.

  3. Discuss with them what they would like you to do to improve the situation and why it is important to contact the school. This is so the school can work with the child and the parent to help solve the problem and keep them safe.

  4. Have a conversation about strategies the child can use to respond to bullying such as moving somewhere safe, reporting the incident to a staff member, ignoring or pretending they are not bothered, telling the bully to stop and walk away.

  5. Contact and work with the school to solve the concern.

Support Services for Parents and Carers

Anti-bullying-Poster_Diversity_B (1).pdf
Recognising bullying behaviour.pdf
Bullying fact sheet.pdf