Project REAL
Term 1 - Week 9, 10 and 11
We are using:
Google Classrooms
7E Classroom Code: a4goy2h
7G Classroom Code: dmyhkz5
7L Classroom Code: eorcfdz
7T Classroom Code: 3cvddnu
7U Classroom Code: 7p26zfu
7W Classroom code: o7hx2lh
Students to complete/finalise their ePortfolio requirements for Mission 1- see Google Classroom for instructions and rubric.
Students are to access the 5 Ways to Wellbeing Pirozzo grid through their class’ Google Classroom and complete 3 activities of their own choice each week over the next 3 weeks.
Submit a link to your Google Site ePortfolio via the Mission 1- ePortfolio submission link on your Google Classroom.
At the end of each week (Week 9, 10 and 11) students to upload evidence of their 3 completed Pirozzo activities to their Google Classroom.
Term 2 - Weeks 1-5
We are using:
Google Classrooms
7E Classroom Code: a4goy2h
7G Classroom Code: dmyhkz5
7L Classroom Code: eorcfdz
7T Classroom Code: 3cvddnu
7U Classroom Code: 7p26zfu
7W Classroom code: o7hx2lh
What do you need to achieve by the end of the 5 weeks?
In Project REAL in Term 2, students will engage in a remote learning mission on Harmony and Culture. Through this mission, you will learn more about other cultures and the value of diversity.
Each fortnight students are to:
Attend online class check-ins at allocated times (see your Google Classroom for instructions from your teacher)
Complete and submit TWO pirozzo activities
Complete an exit ticket activity at the end of each fortnight via Google Classroom
What will you hand in to your teacher?
Submit pirozzo activities and exit tickets via Google Classroom each week/fortnight.
Keep your ePortfolio up-to-date by adding a Term 2 section and uploading your best pieces of work (pirozzo activities and exit ticket responses/reflections).