
What is the study of Physics?

Physics in Stage 6 aims to enable students to develop an appreciation and understanding of the application of the principles of physics, and of the theories, laws, models, systems and structures of physics. It also enables students to apply Working Scientifically skills processes to examine physics models and practices and their applications.

To do well in Physics you will need to be pretty good at Mathematics, have a logical mind and be prepared to work hard to understand the concepts.

Students who have shown an achievement in, and/or aptitude for, any of the Stage 6 Science courses: Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Investigating Science or Physics, in Year 11 may choose to study Science Extension in Year 12.

Why study Physics?

Physics is a 2 Unit course which will count towards your ATAR.

Physics in the HSC is a great foundation for anyone wishing to study a Science course at University.

Possible careers: Medicine, any Health Science, Engineering, IT careers, Electrical and Mechanical trades, Communications technology etc.

What do we study in Physics?

The Year 11 course develops students’ knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to the study of motion, how we describe it and what causes it. The course also examines energy in its different forms, and how we describe and measure electricity and magnetism and their interrelated effects.

The Year 11 course consists of four modules:

  • Module 1 Kinematics

  • Module 2 Dynamics

  • Module 3 Waves and Thermodynamics

  • Module 4 Electricity and Magnetism

The Year 12 course provides avenues for students to apply the concepts introduced in Year 11 and to motion in two dimensions, electromagnetism, the nature of light, and the atomic properties of matter.

The Year 12 course consists of four modules:

  • Module 5 Advanced Mechanics

  • Module 6 Electromagnetism

  • Module 7 The Nature of Light

  • Module 8 From the Universe to the Atom

Course requirements

Students are provided with 15 hours of course time for depth studies in both Year 11 and Year 12. During this time students may undertake an investigation/activity that allows for the further development of one or more scientific concepts.

A depth study may be one investigation/activity or a series of investigations/activities. Depth studies may be included in one module or across several modules.

Practical investigations are an essential part of the Year 11 and Year 12 courses and must occupy a minimum of 35 hours of course time each year.