Stage 3


Factors That Shape Places

Water is essential for life, our bodies need it and we use it daily.

Water sustains life and is an important part of our world

Factors that Shape Places

Investigate the impact of a contemporary bushfire hazard in Australia (Georges River).

Includes information on drought, bushfire, erosion, and water quality.

Factors that Shape Places

Humans shape places.

How stormwater impacts the Georges River.

Factors that Shape Places

Factors that change environments

How do people influence places and the management of spaces within them?


Living World

Physical conditions on Earth affect water and the water cycle.

Water is essential for the survival of living things.

Where does it come from and how can we measure it?

Living World

Sustainably managing environments to source food and fibre.

How to conserve water and make simple hydroponics to produce food.

Living World

Adaptations of living things.

How have mangroves and platypus adapted to the Georges River?

Living World

Growth and survival of living things.

How do physical conditions affect growth and survival of living things?

Adaptations of Living Things

Scientific Water Testing

Waterbug Survey (macroinvertebrate) Field Trip

Material world

We use water daily in our homes, schools, businesses and community.

We can all use water more efficiently through different behaviours, technologies and systems.