Counting book

Watch the video to learn how to make a counting book…


Hi everybody, we thought we'd show you really quickly today how to make a version of Hollies counting

books. So to do this what you need is a piece of Cardboard or paper, Some zip lock bags, a marker and a stapler. For

younger kids it's probably easier to just open their zip lock bags a little bit to get them started.

And these become the pages of your book, so we line them up quite neatly. Put them into the cardboard. I like to do a bit of a fold along the edge so that it's nice and sturdy.

And fold it in again.

Make sure the pages of the book are really tight in grab the Stapler, And there's your book.

Now your book usually needs a title so we could have Holly's book.

Of....And because there are lots of different opportunities in this one, we said Holly's Book of five. But we could also do

things like holy's Book of shapes. Or Holly's Book of triangles if we wanted to be more specific about a

particular shape. Holly's Book of 12. If we wanted to keep looking at numbers and even things like holy's Book of

things that are taller than sunny, enjoy making. And reading.

Collect resources

You will need:

  • colour pencils or markers
  • 5 zip-lock bags
  • a stapler
  • piece of cardboard.


How to make a counting book

  • Open the zip-lock bags.
  • Lay the bags on the cardboard, like pages of a book.
  • Take the remaining cardboard and fold it over the bags to form the spine of the book.
  • Staple it into place.
  • Finally, give the book a title!
Step 1 to make a counting book- collection of all the materials.

Step 1

Step 2: Zip lock bags placed on the cardboard, like pages of a book.

Step 2

Step 3: The remaining cardoard folded over to form the spine of the book. Step 4: Book spine stapled into place.

Steps 3 and 4

Step 5: The book spine labelled with "Holly's book of...

Step 5


Create your book on a maths idea.

  • For example, you could make a book about 5.
  • Go on a ‘5 hunt’ to find different ways of showing 5.
  • Create your book about 5.
  • Read and share your book with someone in your family.
  • Draw your favourite page from the book you made in your mathematics workbook.

Watch Holly read her counting book…


Hi Holly


I see you are back from your hunt. Great, what did you find? Can you read your story to me?

So what I have here?

So there is a 5 dollar note and then some blocks

Some Blocks and what's what's in there? What can you see?

Five, see two pinks and then three.

See look 1234 and then five oh I see. So I can see there's a 2345 and

that's five great. What else have you got?

I got... a five dollar... I have a five cent coin.

Oh you have seen a 5 on a coin as well. Oppes it is a little bit stuck there. Look at all these different ways. You've

found five OK.

And. I got this from my Lego shop.

Let's have a look at this one.

Yes so this is the number 5. Oh wow did you write that five yourself? Uh huh.

Wow. Excellent, Ok what's the next one in your story. This is my Lego blocks.

Oh oh, it's a bit hard to see the five. Can you show me where the five is? See look.

12345 Oh wow! I can see the 5 now...

12345. See look if you take away that one it is four.

See 2 + 2 equals 4 and 1 more equals 5. Oh great I wonder what else we can find that we have five of.

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Advice for parents

Here is part of a different conversation to help illustrate what it can sound like when talking to your child about their book…

Adult: You went on a hunt around the house to find different ways of representing 5.

Can you read your book to me?

Holly: Yes. I have 5 pegs

Adult: How do you know that is 5?

Holly:’s 2 pink and the 3. That makes 5.

Adult: I see...that’s 2 and then 3, 4, 5 (touching one object for each number word that is said)

What else have you got in your book?

Holly: This one is 5 dollars... see there’s 3 here and 2 more. That’s five.

This one is my mum’s hand.

Adult: How do you know that’s five?

Holly: Because she has 5 fingers on her hand.

Adult: Look at all the different ways you found 5! Let’s find someone else to read it to!