Student Leadership Elections

at Ulladulla High School

Step up. Be brave. Speak up for what really matters to you.

This is your chance to make a positive impact.

"I highly recommend everyone to apply for the SRC/SEC. It may seem daunting and scary at first. I definitely was nervous the first time I applied. However, you get the greatest rewards when you step out of your comfort zone." - Takesa

Messages from past leaders


"For me, taking on the role of School Captain was always a goal I aspired to achieve. Of course, I was expecting a completely different experience, one that did not include the devastating bushfires, or Covid-19, but I ended up being extremely grateful for this role I was given at the start of the year. The position of School Captain was constantly inspiring me to work harder and support our community. For future years, this feeling will be replicated; as being School Captain is not just a position held within the school environment, but a role maintained throughout life. It teaches you leadership, inspires you to support the community, and motivates you throughout your HSC. I wouldnt change my experience for the world, as I have learnt skills that I will use throughout the rest of my life."


"During my time in leadership I was able to take opportunities to develop the style of leadership I wanted to undertake. I hope during my time I was able to make an environment where students can stand up for what they want and make meaningful change and that legacy of standing up, regardless of what awards or praise others were getting, to do meaningful work for the future generations of students.

The SRC/SEC is a gateway to understanding the contemporary issues that youth face when standing up to "grown ups."

The SRC/SEC is truly what you make of it, I hope that the future students can make something good of it."


"Being a part of the SRC/ SEC is such a great opportunity to meet new people not only within our school but also within the broader community and schools around the South Coast.

It helped me reach goals I never thought I could achieve, improving my communication skills on the way. Being out of my comfort zone made me develop a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be a leader, but through it all the SRC/SEC made me realise the issues within the world and local community that I am truly passionate about. I highly encourage everyone to take the opportunity and apply for our schools SRC/SEC, you won't regret it. "


"Being a leader at Ulladulla High greatly improved my teamwork skills and introduced me to so many inspiring people. Having my own personal input (driven by surrounding student concerns) directly given into a open-minded group of peers and supported by teachers who are genuinely interested in what we have to say, was empowering and felt incredibly rewarding. My most memorable moment as a UHS leader was the overwhelming success of the Friday’s For Future student climate rally held on the school grounds which voiced student/youth concerns and heard from educated activists who were all there to support our generation and promote our voice. My time as a part of the leadership team has allowed me to form lifelong friendships with not only the peer leadership team but further members of the community and UHS itself." "


"There were many great things that I gained from being a part of the SEC and SRC. I was able to make connections with the leaders of our school and also those of other schools especially through external leadership opportunities.

I hold friendships highly in my life and I know that one aspect of being a friend and a leader is being able to have good communication skills. I found that being a part of the SRC/SEC gave me important communication skills with a variety of people and I continue to use these skills to help me in my university life."


"Some of my most enjoyable memories came from my time in the SRC/SEC. Being part of the SRC allowed me to be involved in some amazing opportunities including a trip to NSW parliament house, meeting powerful leaders of NSW including the NSW government and General Governor and attending many fun leadership camps where I made friends for life. It also helped me grow my leadership skills that I continue to use today including public speaking, self-confidence, communication, and collaboration skills. It made me me very proud for a number of reasons including creating positive changes at UHS, getting to collaborate with like-minded people from all different year groups and been a positive influence for the younger students at UHS as well as the wider community."

Questions? Contact SRC Coordinator or SEC Coordinator