Garden Stories

Sharing whats going on in your school gardens. If you have a story to share please contact Tristen at the email below. We'd love to hear what you are up to in your school gardens.

Stanmore PS Pumpkin Harvest

February 2022

Students at Stanmore PS have been eagerly watching and waiting for harvest time of the gigantic (sometimes fence bending) pumpkins. What fun Stage 2 had at lunchtime as we collected all the pumpkins ready to be used in the kitchen. Cant wait!

Alexandria Park Community School February 2020

Students in stage 2 and 3 at Alexandria Park Community School have been learning about safety with garden tools in Kitchen Garden lessons this week. Safety and respectful behaviour is very important in the garden.

Stanmore Public School

Botanical Drawings

March 2022

Students in stage 1 at Stanmore PS have been working on their botanical drawings during the wet weather. Investigating the lifecycles of different plants in our gardens including tomatoes and pumpkins.