What is happening around school 

The start of 2023 a fresh new year.One of the first events we have had was the addition to the phone pouch,phone pouches is a device from Yondr.It is a device where u have to put your phone inside of and u get it back at the end of school.Then we had our school photo day.The school photo day is a day where all years in our school at different periods take a photo were it can be purchased. Just recently the year 7s got the first vaccinations of the year and they also got to go to camp there camp included giant swing rock climbing swimming and much more. We have recently interviewed them they said it was one of their most favorite experiences they have ever had. Naplan everyone hates it but it needs to be done. Yr 7, Yr 9 have to do it. Naplan is just a basic test set for 1 week.Then we have a more basic test the minimum standards.The minimum standards is a more basic test it is just a basic knowledge test where if u dont pass it u have to keep repeating it. Now down to the sports, we had our school swimming carnival where u have to compete and whoever comes top 3 in there race they can move to the district where they versus other schools. Then we had the basketball opens whoever made it in can verse other schools.