
Saturday 1 June 2024

Bump In/Technical Day

9:00am TAU staff arrive/Production Bump In

11:30am TAU staff arrival

2:00pm Event Bump In

7:30pm Lighting focus/Plot

10:00pm Venue clear

Sunday 2 June 2024

Rehearsal/Technical Day

9:30am TAU staff arrive

11:00am VET students arrive

12:00pm BYO truck arrival and bump in

1:15pm Joshua Walraven sound check

1:45pm Violette Hylund sound check

2:00pm Bellingen Youth Orchestra (BYO) arrival

2:30pm BYO item 1 sound check

2:45pm BYO item 2 sound check

Full Orchestral Rehearsal

3:00pm When You Wish Upon a Star

3:30pm Touch the Sky

4:00pm In The Serpentine Mine

4:30pm Ethan Moore sound check

4:45pm Tiara Salmon sound check

5:00pm Rehearsal concludes/Production Team meeting

5:30pm TAU staff and VET students depart

6:30pm Lighting focus/Plot

10:00pm Venue clear

Monday 3 June 2024

Rehearsal/Performance Day

Please ensure all students have been to the bathroom and have eaten recess prior to entering the venue at 9:30am


7:00am TAU Production Team arrive

7:30am TAU Production Team meeting

8:00am VET students arrive/Stage Management Team meeting

9:00am TAU Artistic Team arrival/Performance Production Team meeting

8:30am Marisol Taylor sound check

9:00am Josie Armstrong sound check

9:15am Ava Mitchell sound check

9:30am Primary and Secondary Choir and Recorder Ensemble arrive

10:00am Rehearsals of Combined Ensembles and sound checks

Staggered  half hour lunch breaks, please bring your own food and drinks.

1:30pm Bellingen Youth Orchestra (BYO) arrival

2:00pm Full Cast rehearsal/Compere briefing and rehearsal

2:30pm Primary and Secondary Choirs depart

2:45pm Combined Recorder rehearsal and sound check with BYO

3:15 Compere sound check

3:30pm Recorders depart/Performance Production Team Meeting

4:30pm Doors open and 5:00pm Cast arrival

5:00pm Performance 1

6:30pm Doors open and 7:00pm Cast arrival

7:00pm Performance 2

8:30pm Bump Out

10:00pm VET students depart, Bump Out continues

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Bump Out Day

00:00am Eclipse Bump Out continues

7:00am Bump Out continues

8:00am Keys returned to venue

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Produced by The Arts Unit    © State of New South Wales (Department of Education), 2024.The copyright material published on this website is subject to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), and is owned by the NSW Department of Education or, where indicated, by a party other than the NSW Department of Education.
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