Boyz Crew - Western NSW


Arts education is an important platform for students to thrive, express, create, collaborate, learn and excel. 

Boyz Crew is a brand new initiative for public school boys from Years 5 to 8.  Aimed at providing boys of all abilities with an interest in Hip Hop the opportunity to work with an experienced choreographer to create a performance piece for the Western NSW Dance Festival.

Boys will attend 3 full-day rehearsal workshops in the lead-up to the festival and will perform as a Crew at the festival. 

The Boyz Crew aims to:


Please contact Sue Dawson - Arts Coordination Officer should you have any further questions or concerns:


P: 0402 992 897

This Google site is a one-stop space for all information, details and expectations for the Boyz Crew. Details will be updated regularly so be sure to check back for updates!

Important information and how to get involved

How to apply

Boyz Crew is open to boys of all abilities.  Previous dance experience is not essential, just a positive attitude and a commitment to giving it a go!

Interested students are required to have a parent/carer complete the Boyz Crew 2024 - Western NSW application form by Wednesday 3 April 2-24 (Term 1 Week 10).

Following the close of applications school principals will be contacted to endorse the participation of the nominating students.

All boys who are endorsed by their principal to participate will be accepted into the Crew.


A participation fee of $50 is required for each participant in the Boyz Crew.  This fee will cover tuition and a crew shirt.

Students will be required to pay this fee to their school upon acceptance into the Crew and schools will be debited for student participation.  Payments will be due at the end of Term 1.

Please advise the school you are paying for Boyz Crew 2024 when making payment.

Students will also be required to supply a pair of blue jeans and white joggers to wear in combination with their Crew shirt for the festival.


The Boyz Crew will be working with 2 amazing professional choreographers Neale Whitaker and Pete Evans.  Both men have vast experience working within the dance industry including working with students of varying abilities.  Each year Neale and Pete work collaboratively to choreograph the hip-hop items for Schools Spectacular.

We are so excited to have them on board to work with the Boyz Crew in 2024 and know that all students will benefit from this unique experience of working with choreographers of their calibre.

Workshop rehearsal dates

Boys in the Crew must be available for all of the following workshop rehearsal days:

Venue for rehearsals: Glenroi Heights Public School - 40-62 Maxwell Avenue Orange.

Students must commit to the Crew and attend all scheduled rehearsals for the full length of time.

Students will at all times be supervised by Department of Education staff.

Western NSW Dance Festival

Boys in the Crew will also need to be available to perform at the Western NSW Dance Festival which will be held on either Monday 3 or Tuesday 4 June 2024 (Term 2 Week 6) at the Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre.  The date will be confirmed by the festival committee in early Term 2.

Students in the Boyz Crew may also perform with their school in a school item at the festival if applicable. 

Third-party content attributions 

No third-party attributions.

Produced by The Arts Unit    © State of New South Wales (Department of Education), 2024.The copyright material published on this website is subject to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), and is owned by the NSW Department of Education or, where indicated, by a party other than the NSW Department of Education.
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