Assessment task

This assessment will be in two parts. The first part is a performance and the second part is an essay, both of these will be marked out of l 0. You will also be required to hand in your completed logbook on the performance night and this will be graded A to E.


In groups of 6 to 8, which will be decided upon in consultation with your teacher, you are to create a 8 - 10 minute performance piece using the information below as a guide.

Your group is to create a polished performance of a Boal workshop that leads to a Forum Theatre event. The performance must demonstrate judicious examples of Boal's approaches to acting, making clear the links between his philosophy, preparatory exercises and their implications in terms of his actor and spec-actor engagement.

For example your group:

  • can imagine you are a theatre company such as Cardboard Citizens who are putting on a Forum Theatre performance

  • could take on the roles of student actors trying to examine how Boal's techniques are relevant today in Australia or,

  • can make up your own scenario.

You will be individually assessed in your group but please remember that collaboration and co-operation is the essence of HSC drama work and the essence of Boal's theatre.

Essay submission task

Individually you are to write a 1,000 word essay answering the question below.

How does Augusto Boal's training prepare the actor to communicate powerfully with an audience?

Boal Marking guidelines.docx

Well done, you have completed this module.